This projects makes assumption\n 1.distance is in x,y only no z axis involved. simulation of car moving around and getting free after a while 3.only get shortest distance car book that cab How to Build 1.Open terminal cd src/workspace 2.execute this command go build . && workspace.exe Still if you dont have golang in your system go to src/workspace it has workspce.exe 2.execute workspace.exe it will launch the server at 8080 port REST API Add cab to the system localhost:8080/addcab { "CarNumber":3, "X":3, "Y":3, "FinalX":7, "FinalY":7, "Color":"red" } another record with great distance { "CarNumber":7, "X":300, "Y":300, "FinalX":700, "FinalY":700, "Color":"red" } { "CarNumber":5, "X":500, "Y":500, "FinalX":700, "FinalY":700, "Color":"red" } { "CarNumber":5, "X":1, "Y":1, "FinalX":3, "FinalY":3, "Color":"red" } This api is used for the booking of the cab localhost:8080/bookcab { "X":1, "Y":1, "FinalX":5, "FinalY":5, "Color":"" } #Unit test i was more interested to check if distance calculation is working correct so added test bookingmanager_test.go TestGetNearestCar() Car is car pool array with car and their x,Y make the request object which stands for user x,y coordinate If you have any queried please contact make Thanks for the coding challenge :)