My take at an AI/NLP text-based assistant. Currently using python3 with NLTK for easier string processing and SpaCy for NLP tasks.
Instructions to Run
Follow the steps in
to setup working directory path and install the requirements. -
Have Fun!
Here is the current spacy pipeline:
tagging ->
parsing ->
NER ->
NER is the main part here.
Currently, I have found out that the structure I am using here is same across all of the "Chatbot" repos I have found out. I also looked up chatbots for hindi specifically; it turns out all have, again, surprise surprise, the exact same strucutre.
Anyways, apart from the current depression, one big problem I found out, was that there are no bots available using logic; like predicate calculus. I think I can add somethings to that; as of now these are the following additions to implement:
** Codemixed user input handling
*** Verbose mode
*** Context (history of user input)
** Config file Archiving the repo for now. I will keep working on it as I please (or not). This project has taken a huge dip in importance for me