
MongoDB Lab Solution

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Your Directory Tree

├── data
│   ├── analytics
│   │   └── analytics.accounts.json
│   │   ├── analytics.customers.json
│   │   └── analytics.transactions.json
│   │   
│   ├── mflix
│   │   ├── mflix.theatres.json
│   │   ├── mflix.comments.json
│   │   ├── mflix.movies.json
|   |   ├── mflix.sessions.json
│   │   └── mflix.users.json
│   ├── posts
│   |   └── posts.txt
|   └── sales
|       └── sales.json 
├── exercise-1
|     ├── Exercise-1.pdf
│     └── soln
|          └── ex1.txt
├── exercise-2
|     ├── Exercise-2.pdf
│     └── soln
|          ├── ex2.txt
|          ├── ex2_q3.py
|          ├── ex2_q4.py
|          └── ex2_q5.py
├── exercise-3
|     ├── Exercise-3.pdf
│     └── soln
|          └── ex3.txt
├── exercise-4
|     ├── Exercise-4.pdf
|     └── soln
|          ├── ex4_q1.py
|          ├── ex4_q2.py
|          ├── ex4_q3.py
|          ├── ex4_q4.txt
|          └── ex4_q5.py
└── MongoDB Setup.pdf


Clone this repository on your machine to get started. There are four exercises in this lab. The solution files are placed in soln/ folder placed in each exercise folder. Write your answers in those files only. Data files for all exercises are placed in the data/ folder. You are required to submit all the solution files in compressed form as <id>_Lab04.zip. PLease install mongoDB on your device before starting the lab. Instructions are given in MongoDB Setup.pdf. All other instructions are conveyed to you in the exercises.


Exercise 1-2: Amit Agarwal 201701060

Exercise 3: Rhythm Patel 201701273

Exercise 4: Smit Jasani 201701020