
WIP : Generates a point-in-time report listing CI jobs on the Kubernetes project that have tests that are producing non-deterministic results and the issues logged against them in GitHub

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Flake Tracker

Creates a point-in-time CSV (for now) report listing tests that produce non-determinstic results (NDRs) found on the Jobs reported as FLAKY in the TestGridSummary for sig-release-blocking and sig-release-informing

The report offers the following benefits :

  • provides automatic on-demand status updates for weekly Release Team Meeting

  • shows distribution of NDRs accross the project per job, per SIG

  • TODO shows what NDRs are and are not being tracked by GH Issues

  • TODO shows distribution of categorised effort (Awaiting response, triaged, PR submitted, monitoring, fixed) accross the project per job, per sig


The Project is built using Tim Hockin's https://github.com/thockin/go-build-template

These build instructions are copied accross verbatim from there

Run make or make build to compile your app. This will use a Docker image to build your app, with the current directory volume-mounted into place. This will store incremental state for the fastest possible build. Run make all-build to build for all architectures.

Run make container to build the container image. It will calculate the image tag based on the most recent git tag, and whether the repo is "dirty" since that tag (see make version). Run make all-container to build containers for all supported architectures.

Run make push to push the container image to REGISTRY. Run make all-push to push the container images for all architectures.

Run make clean to clean up.

Run make help to get a list of available targets.

make build

Usage - running locally

The build will create an executable in the bin directory in a folder based on your machine architecture.

Before running the report you will need to first setup a GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN

Then you need to add the auth token to your env as a GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN environment var.

Run a report on sig-release-blocking

$ ./bin/OS_ARCH/collector 2> app.log > report.log

where OS_ARCH will be your operating system and hardware architechture

app.log will contaier errors encountered during the report run broadly fallin into the following categories

  • errors encountered accessing TestGrid or Github
  • errors parsing and extracting names of tests and jobs in Github Issues on the CI Signal project Board

Parameters and environment

At present no parameters are required to run the program future versions may have the following cmd line flags TODO

  • --config file YAML file that contains report configuration, tabgroups, project boards, output format, datastore
  • --gh-token / env var GitHub Oauth2 token
  • --tab-group TestGrid TabGroup
  • --project-board GithubProjectBoard yaml
  • --output Output format - json, csv, org
  • --port - if specificed starts a server listenting on port and displays a HTML version of the report TODO I wanted to log output to specific files but that is not working - not urgent