
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Code to reproduce the experiments in the paper "Learning concise representations for regression by evolving networks of trees"


Experiments can be run using analysis/ml-analyst/submit_jobs.py. See the command line options (python submit_jobs.py -h) for help.

As example, this command would launch the main experiment from the paper:

python submit_jobs.py --r -ml Feat,FeatCN,FeatCorr,RandomForest,MLPmod,Kernel,Linear,XGBoostLong -n_trials 5 ../penn-ml-benchmark/datasets/regression/


analysis/ contains these notebooks:

  • results_iclr.ipynb produces the main results figures.
  • results_appendix.ipynb produces the results comparing different stochastic optimization approaches.
  • stats.ipynb depends on results_iclr.ipynb and produces the statistical tests.
  • archive.ipynb contains code to reproduce the illustrative example.
