Files modifying the database
C_01_merge_sources.ipynb : merges the 3 scraping rounds.
C_02_remove_scraped_strings_errors.ipynb : removes events scraped by error.
C_03_create_search_str_dates.ipynb : Creates a string __date variable identifying the database events.
C_04_clean_text.ipynb : Creates a variable text_clean with the cleaned versions of the tweet texts.
C_05_tag_dup100.ipynb : Creates a variable dup_100 with tweets repeated 100 and more times (using the cleaned version of the tweets texts)
C_06_clean_users_names_and_empty_tweets.ipynb : Cleans users names and empty tweets
C_07_search_strings_not_in_tweets.ipynb : Creates 3 variables to check if the search string appears in the texts (str_in_text) of the tweets, in the usernames (str_in_user) or in the related conversations (str_in_conv)
C_08_merge_with_events_ids.ipynb : Merges the tweets database with the related events ids / calculates the number of tweets by event
Files to explore the database
E_01_explore_by_events.ipynb : Explore data by events.
E_02_explore_busers.ipynb : Explore data by users.
E_02_explore_busers.ipynb : Explore no matches (tweets with no search strings in the text, user name or coversation).