
Using Spring Cloud to develop microservices and deploy to Kubernetes

Primary LanguageJava

Microservices Demo

Using Spring Cloud to develop microservices application and deploy to Kubernetes.

  • Externalized configuration: Spring Cloud Config
  • Service registry and discovery: Eureka
  • Client side load balancing: Ribbon, Feign
  • API gateway: Zuul
  • Circuit breaker: Hystrix, Turbine
  • Distributed tracing: Sleuth, Zipkin


  • build-images.sh is used to build docker images. It tags the images with prefix for uploading them to a local registry server on Update to the correct address if your registry server's address is not If you don't deploy to Kubernetes, you can remove those prefix.
  • push-images.sh is used to push docker images to the registry server.
  • deploy-docker.sh is used to deploy the demo app to docker using docker-compose.yml.
  • undeploy-docker.sh is used to undeploy the demo app in docker.
  • deploy-kubernetes.sh is used to deploy the demo app to kubernetes. To deploy to Kubernetes, this demo uses Minikube.
  • undeploy-kubernetes.sh is used to undeploy the demo app in kubernetes.

There are three ways to deploy this demo application.

Local Deployment

  • You need to provide RabbitMQ and Zipkin services.

    • RabbitMQ:

      Please see https://www.rabbitmq.com/download.html If using docker, you can use the following command:

      docker run -d -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 -e RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER=admin -e RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS=amqp --name rabbitmq rabbitmq:management
    • Zipkin:

      Please see https://github.com/openzipkin/zipkin

      # Download Zipkin server
      curl -sSL https://zipkin.io/quickstart.sh | bash -s
      # Start Zipkin server
      RABBIT_ADDRESSES=localhost RABBIT_USER=admin RABBIT_PASSWORD=amqp java -jar zipkin.jar
  • Edit config-server/src/main/resources/application.properties:

    • Set APP_CONFIG_DIR and APP_LOGGINH_DIR to your correct file path.
  • Use java -jar to start each service, config-server should be started first, service-registry next, then other services.

  • Access services with its URL, eg:

api-gateway:  http://localhost:8080/
auth-service:  http://localhost:9000/
account-service:  http://localhost:9010/
service-registry: http://localhost:8761/
config-server:  http://localhost:8888/
turbine-server:  http://localhost:8989/
monitor-dashboard:  http://localhost:7979/
zipkin:  http://localhost:9411/

Docker Deployment

  • Download rabbitmq:management image. Tag the image with if you use prefix in build-images.sh.
  • Download openzipkin/zipkin image. Tag the image with if you use prefix in build-images.sh.
  • Edit microservices-demo/deploy-docker.sh, set APP_CONFIG_DIR and APP_LOGGINH_DIR to your correct file path.
  • Run the script microservices-demo/build-images.sh to build docker images.
  • Run the script microservices-demo/deploy-docker.sh to start containers.
  • Run the script microservices-demo/undeploy-docker.sh if you want to stop and remove the containers.
  • Access a service with its URL (same as Local Deployment)

Kubernetes Deployment (v1.10.0)

  • Download rabbitmq:management image. Tag the image with
  • Download openzipkin/zipkin image. Tag the image with
  • Edit microservices-demo/kubernetes/config-pv.yaml, set spec.hostPath.path to your correct file path. Edit microservices-demo/kubernetes/log-pv.yaml, set spec.hostPath.path to your correct file path.
  • Run the script microservices-demo/build-images.sh to build docker images.
  • Run the script microservices-demo/push-images.sh to upload docker images to registry server.
  • Run the script microservices-demo/deploy-kubernetes.sh to deploy to Kubernetes.
  • Run the script microservices-demo/undeploy-kubernetes.sh if you want to stop and remove the containers.
  • Access services using command minikube service SERVICE_NAME eg:
minikube service api-gateway
minikube service auth-service
minikube service account-service
minikube service service-registry
minikube service config-server
minikube service monitor-dashboard
minikube service zipkin