
Recommend the medicines for a particular disease based on patient reviews and ratings

Primary LanguageHTML


Recommend the medicines for a particular disease based on patient reviews and ratings In today’s digital era healthcare is one among the major core areas of the medical domain. Drug information systems are developed to help end users in distinctive correct medications for a particular wellness based on the reviews of other end-users provided on totally different medications for various specific diseases. The goal of this system is to give information on drugs based on the condition, ratings and reviews for each health condition of a patient


Taking the correct drug is very essential in this fast-growing technological world, which can save lives. In the system, the drug is offered on a specific condition dependent on patient reviews and ratings using technologies like Machine Learning, Data mining, etc. It is based on Content and a Collaborative filtering approach.

Problem definition

The problem is to provide an effective information on drug system that can analyze patient reviews, ratings and useful counts for specific health conditions.