
An alarm clock for Emacs

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp


MELPA License

An alarm clock for Emacs


Get started

  • Via MELPA.

  • Get alarm-clock

    • Manually download alarm-clock and set-up your load path.
  • To auto-start alarm-clock every time you open Emacs add these lines to your .emacs file:

      (require 'alarm-clock) ; Not needed if you use package.el

Basic Usage


Set an alarm clock with the time following tips.
TIME can be "6"(6 seconds), "11 minutes", "10 hours", "11:40pm", etc.
MESSAGE will be shown when notifying at setting time.


Display the alarm clock list.
Use a to set a new alarm clock, C-k to delete current alarm clock.


Save alarm-clock to cache file.


Restore alarm-clock from cache file.


Enable autosave-and-restore feature.

  • Change cache file path by setting the variable alarm-clock-cache-file to any file path you like.

  • Add these lines to your .emacs file:


Q & A

  • Meet (wrong-type-argument package-desc nil) on Mac OSX.

    • Install gnu-tar.

      brew install gnu-tar

    • Try to set quelpa-build-tar-executable to the path of gtar, (e.g "/usr/local/bin/gtar").

    • Then reinstall this package.


I'd be glad to receive patches, comments and your considered criticism.

Have fun with alarm-clock!