Adds methods to your App\Exceptions\Handler
to treat json responses.
It is most useful if you are building APIs!
Using JsonAPI standard to responses!
Default error response:
"errors": [
"status": 404,
"code": 15,
"source": {
"pointer": ""
"title": "Route not found.",
"detail": "NotFoundHttpException line 179 in RouteCollection.php"
To Illuminate\Validation\ValidationException
"errors": [
"status": 422,
"code": 1411,
"source": {
"parameter": "name"
"title": "Required validation failed on field name",
"detail": "The name field is required."
"status": 422,
"code": 1433,
"source": {
"parameter": "password"
"title": "Min validation failed on field password",
"detail": "The password must be at least 6 characters."
"status": 422,
"code": 1432,
"source": {
"parameter": "password"
"title": "Confirmed validation failed on field password",
"detail": "The password confirmation does not match."
Install the package
$ composer require sfelix-martins/json-exception-handler
If you are not using Laravel 5.5 version add the JsonHandlerServiceProvider
to your config/app.php
providers array:
'providers' => [
Publish the config to set your own exception codes
$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="SMartins\JsonHandler\JsonHandlerServiceProvider"
Set your exception codes on config/json-exception-handler.php
on codes array.
You can add more fields and codes to validation_fields
You can add too your models on lang packages to return the Not Found response translated correctly.
In resources/lang/vendor/exception/lang/$locale
in exceptions
file you can set on models
array. Example:
'models' => [
'User' => 'Usuário',
'Article' => 'Artigo',
Use the trait on your App\Exception\Handler
and add method jsonResponse()
passing the $exception
if $request
expects a json response on render()
use SMartins\JsonHandler\JsonHandler;
class Handler extends ExceptionHandler
use JsonHandler;
public function render($request, Exception $exception)
if ($request->expectsJson()) {
return $this->jsonResponse($exception);
return parent::render($request, $exception);
class UserController extends Controller
public function store(Request $request)
// Validation
$request->validate($this->rules); // on Laravel 5.5
// or
$this->validate($request, $this->rules);
//and or
Validator::make($request->all(), $this->rules)->validate();
if (condition()) {
// Generate response with http code and message
abort(403, 'Action forbidden!');
if (anotherCondition()) {
// Generate response with message and code
throw new TokenMismatchException("Error Processing Request", 10);
public function show($id)
// If not found the default response is called
$user = User::findOrFail($id);
// Gate define on AuthServiceProvider
// Generate an AuthorizationException if fail
$this->authorize('users.view', $user->id);