ByteHook(aka bhook) is a PLT hook framework for Android app.
Most of ByteDance's Android apps use ByteHook as the PLT hook solution online.
If you have any bug reports, suggestions, or problems. Please communicate with us via GitHub Issues or Discussions. π
- Multiple hooks and unhooks for the same function do not conflict with each other.
- Hook a single, partial or all of the dynamic libraries in the process.
- Hook the newly loaded dynamic libraries automatically.
- Avoid recursive-calls and circular-calls between proxy functions automatically.
- Support unwinding backtrace in proxy function.
- Support Android 4.1 - 12 (API level 16 - 31).
- Support armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86 and x86_64.
- MIT licensed.
There is a sample app in the bytehook-sample you can refer to.
ByteHook is published on Maven Central, and uses Prefab package format for native dependencies, which is supported by Android Gradle Plugin 4.0+.
allprojects {
repositories {
android {
buildFeatures {
prefab true
dependencies {
implementation 'com.bytedance:bytehook:1.0.1'
find_package(bytehook REQUIRED CONFIG)
add_library(mylib SHARED mylib.c)
target_link_libraries(mylib bytehook::bytehook)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := mylib.c
$(call import-module,prefab/bytehook)
android {
defaultConfig {
ndk {
abiFilters 'armeabi-v7a', 'arm64-v8a', 'x86', 'x86_64'
If you are using ByteHook in an SDK project, you may need to avoid packaging into your AAR, so as not to encounter duplicate file when packaging the app project.
android {
packagingOptions {
exclude '**/'
On the other hand, if you are using ByteHook in an APP project, you may need to add some options to deal with conflicts caused by duplicate file.
android {
packagingOptions {
pickFirst '**/'
public class MySdk {
public static synchronized void init() {
#include "bytehook.h"
bytehook_stub_t bytehook_hook_single(
const char *caller_path_name,
const char *callee_path_name,
const char *sym_name,
void *new_func,
bytehook_hooked_t hooked,
void *hooked_arg);
bytehook_stub_t bytehook_hook_partial(
bytehook_caller_allow_filter_t caller_allow_filter,
void *caller_allow_filter_arg,
const char *callee_path_name,
const char *sym_name,
void *new_func,
bytehook_hooked_t hooked,
void *hooked_arg);
bytehook_stub_t bytehook_hook_all(
const char *callee_path_name,
const char *sym_name,
void *new_func,
bytehook_hooked_t hooked,
void *hooked_arg);
int bytehook_unhook(bytehook_stub_t stub);
These three hook functions are used to hook single, partial, and all caller dynamic libraries in the process.
- If you need to call the original function in the proxy function, please always use the
macro. - Make sure to call
macro before proxy function returning. In the CPP source file, you can also callBYTEHOOK_STACK_SCOPE()
macro at the beginning of the proxy function instead.