Questradeist is a python library for dealing with the Questrade API. This API was built to make it as pythonic as possible to retrieve data from Questrade.
To access Questrade via the API, you will need to generate an API key. From that point on, all interactions take place, as documented in the unit tests.
If you'd like to contribute a change, please create an issue, and make a pull request. If your pull request contains code, but not a unit test, it will be rejected.
More pythonic
Other libraries return the raw JSON. Primarily I want Python objects - except for when I want raw JSON. This library provides both, as needed.
No local storage
Other implementations store the questrade token on local disk. This doesn't.
Passing a callable in questradeist.Questrade
I use this library by authenticating, and then storing the resulting tokens in an encrypted key value store. By passing a function to the varying Questrade one can cache the resulting output.