
Component-based Theming with Twig

Primary LanguagePHP

Component-based Theming with Twig

This repository provides a detailed guide to setting up a local development environment that utilizes a Composer based workflow with Drupal 9.

Please ensure that you follow the directions outlined below to install and configure the necessary requirements for this training. We will not be able to cover these steps in class nor will we have time to stop class to assist with setting up laptops.

Below is a list of requirements that will ensure you get the most out of the training.


  • Administrative rights to install and configure various applications
  • Terminal
  • Composer
  • Node & NPM
  • Gulp
  • Git
  • LAMP (Docker, VM, DDEV, Lando, MAMP...)

There is no preference for our LAMP setup. It is best to use what you are most comfortable using. You will need to make sure that you can import the database, run composer, drush, npm and gulp commands in a terminal window.

Administrative rights

You will need to ensure that you have administrative rights to install, configure or manage file permissions required by the list of tools outlined above. If you do not have administrative rights, in the case of using a work laptop, then please have your company install the following items for you.


The terminal is an interface in which we can execute text based commands. It can be much faster to complete some tasks using a Terminal than with graphical applications and menus. The remaining requirements will be mostly ran from a Terminal using a series of command line prompts. Take a moment to ensure that you have a Terminal (MAC) or Command Prompt (Windows) available to use.

We will be using the terminal window to work with tools such as Composer, Drush, NPM, and Gulp throughout the training. It is important to be comfortable using the command line as it should be part of any daily Front End development workflow.


Composer (https://getcomposer.org/) is a dependency manager for PHP that allows us to perform a multitude of tasks; everything from creating a Drupal project to declaring libraries and even installing contributed modules. The advantage of using Composer is that it allows us to quickly install and update dependencies by simply running a few commands from a terminal window. We can download and install Composer by following the Getting Started documentation for your specific opearting system.

We will want to install Composer globally so make sure to read the directions for Globally installing.

Node & NPM

Node is a cross platform runtime environment for creating server side and networking applications. JavaScript running outside the browser. NPM is the package manager for JavaScript used to install, share, and distribute code and is used to manage dependencies in projects.

We will need to install the latest version of Node by choosing the correct version for your operating system.

NPM automatically comes with Node so we will not need to install NPM seperately. We will be using NPM to manage dependencies when working with themes in Drupal 9.


Gulp is a JavaScript task runner that allows us to perform repetitive tasks like minification, compilation, unit testing, linting and more. We use Gulp to compile Sass, Pattern Lab and watch for file changes during development.

We will want to install Gulp globally on our operating system. Since we installed Node previously, we can easily install Gulp by opening a terminal window and running the following commands:

  npm install --global gulp-cli

The command above will not work unless you have npm installed. If you need more information follow the Quick Start guide.

Using the training files and configuring Drupal

These next steps will vary based on how you prefer to setup your local development environment. Most organizations have moved away from virtual machines or standalone LAMP environment such as MAMP, WAMP or Acquia Dev Desktop for doing Drupal development. In it's place is the use of container based environments that utilize Docker.

Optional Branches

If you would like to use DDEV or LANDO which are wrappers for Docker then you can continue the setup process by using on the following branches:

If you prefer to setup the rest of the project using something else, then you will need to be able to scaffold a Drupal project, Import the database snapshot provided and be able to run various commands using the tools we installed previously.

The remaining setup assumes you are not using DDEV or LANDO.

Downloading the training files

Now that we have all the necessary requirements out of the way we can proceed by either downloading a copy of the training files located within the Develop branch.

Downloading the repo

Begin by locating the green Code drop-down button at the top of the page and choose Download ZIP. Locate the zipped file named components-develop.zip and extract it's contents. Make sure to rename the components-develop folder to components.

For sake of training, we will be copying this folder to a new directory called Training.

Now that we have a copy of the training files on our local computer it is time to create our Drupal 9 instance along with installing our theme and any dependencies it may need.

Note: We will only have to perform this install once.


The initial setup of Drupal requires us to run composer to scaffold up are instance based on the configuration provided. We will need to execure the following commands within the terminal window.

  cd training/components
  composer install

Note: anytime we need to install, remove or update modules or depedencies we will need to use composer within the terminal window.

Importing the database

If you prefer to not got thru the typical Drupal 9 setup and would like to instead use the provided database snapshot, you can find the snapshot in the db folder. Feel free to use a command line or GUI to import the database into your Drupal setup.

Working with the theme

The custom Drupal theme, ohana can be found in the web/themes/custom folder and the first time we preview our Drupal 9 website, it does not have access to our theme's compiled assets (CSS, Images, JS). In order for Drupal to have access to those files we will need to install the theme's dependencies and compile it.

Installing theme dependencies

Next we will need to install all of the node dependencies (Gulp, Pattern Lab, Browsersync, and others). We can do this by enterting the following commands in the terminal window:

  cd web/themes/custom/ohana
  npm install

This command will ensure our theme has all the dependencies it needs to be able to compile our codebase.

Build/Compile the theme

To build the entire codebase for our theme, we will need to run the following command within the terminal window:

  npm run build

This commands builds our theme, assets and Pattern Lab

Clear Drupal cache

While our theme has been built we currently will only be able to tell so by clearing Drupal's cache in the browser, where we will see a small change to our theme's font and color. We can accomplish this by entering the following command in our terminal window.

  drush cr

Run the watch task to access Pattern Lab

In order for us to preview our theme within Pattern Lab, we need to start the watch task. This command will listen for changes we make to various files and automatically compile it and make it accessible to Drupal. We can accomplish this by running the following command from the terminal window:

  npm run watch

We should now be able to access Pattern Lab by navigating to http://localhost:3000 within our browser.


We now have a Drupal 9 project with the Ohana theme enabled. We will be using this theme throughout the remaining training. This Drupal 9 instance is configured with the latest best practices in mind for site building. This includes use of Media, Paragraphs, various Twig modules and the Component libraries modules.

This training does not cover site building but we will briefly discuss various decision made when implementing a component-based theme using Twig and Pattern Lab.

Drupal Credentials

  • username: admin
  • password: admin