
Evaluate Markdown code blocks within Vim

Primary LanguageVim ScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Evaluate Markdown code blocks within Vim.



Medieval allows you to evaluate code blocks in Markdown buffers of the following form:

echo "Hello world!"

By placing your cursor anywhere in the code block above and running :EvalBlock, Medieval will print the result of evaluating the block (in this case, it will echo "Hello world!")

You can also redirect the output of the evaluation into a register using :EvalBlock @{0-9a-z".=*+}.

You can send the output of evaluation into another code block, allowing you to do a primitive style of literate programming. You can accomplish this by adding a "target" parameter to your code block and creating a second code block with a "name" parameter. The output of the evaluation of your code block will be redirected to the targeted block. For example:

<!-- target: squares -->
print([x*x for x in range(5)])

<!-- name: squares -->

If you run :EvalBlock in the first code block, the second block will become

<!-- name: squares -->
[0, 1, 4, 9, 16]

You can manually specify a target block using :EvalBlock {target}. With [!], :EvalBlock will cause the evaluated code block to replace its own contents with the result of its evaluation:


After :EvalBlock!:

The difference between art and science is that science is what we
understand well enough to explain to a computer.  Art is everything else.
                -- Donald Knuth, "Discover"

The block labels must be of the form <!-- target: <NAME> or <!-- name: <NAME>. The label can be preceeded by whitespace, but no other characters. The label itself can be composed of the following characters: 0-9A-Za-z_+.$#&-. Note that the closing tag of the HTML comment is not required. This allows you to embed block labels within block comments so that the block will not be rendered in the final output. For example:

<!-- target: example
echo '$ ls -1'
ls -1

<!-- name: example -->
$ ls -1

In this example, only the output block will be rendered, since the "source" block is nested within an HTML comment.


Medieval will only attempt to execute code blocks in languages explicitly listed in the variable g:medieval_langs. The structure of this variable is a list of strings corresponding to whitelisted languages that can be interpreted. If a language's interpreter has a different name than the language itself, you can use the form {lang}={interpreter} to specify what interpreter should be used.

For example, to allow Medieval to run Python, Ruby, and shell scripts, use

let g:medieval_langs = ['python=python3', 'ruby', 'sh', 'console=bash']

By default, g:medieval_langs is empty, so you must specify this variable yourself.

Create a mapping

Medieval does not create any mappings by default, but you can easily create one yourself by adding the following to the file ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/markdown.vim (create it if it does not yet exist):

nnoremap <buffer> Z! :<C-U>EvalBlock<CR>


For now, Medieval only works in Markdown buffers. If you'd like to see support added for other file types, please see the Contributing section.


Please feel free to contribute changes or bug fixes! You can send patches to git@gpanders.com or submit a pull request on Github.