
morph a path smoothly into another in svg

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Morph a <path> into another one with smooth animation.


Simple usage:

morph(pathA, pathB);

with custom options:

morph(pathA, pathB, {
  duration: 400, // animation duration in ms
  easing: 'easeIn', // easing function
  done: function() {console.log('done');} // a callback fn invoked when morphing is done


  • duration animation duration in ms
  • easing custom easing function (Function)or provided easing name(String)
  • done a callback function that will be fired when the animation is done.


pull down the repo. make sure you have node.js installed

run in command line

npm install

to install dependencies.


to build with gulp.

Now you can find the js file in dist/morph.js. Put it in your webpage using <script> and you can use morph() in your scripts.


see exmaple