
This is the pipeline to process RNA-seq data from fastq to reference and new transcript and gene expression used in the FR-AgENCODE project

Primary LanguagePython

FR-AgENCODE RNA-seq pipeline

This is the pipeline to process RNA-seq data from raw reads to reference and novel gene and transcript expression used in the FR-AgENCODE project http://www.fragencode.org/. It can be used in the context of other projects but data need to be paired-end and stranded (type mate2_sense). Also, provided pairs of fastq need to correspond to bioreplicates and not to technical replicates or runs.

Follow the instructions below to use this pipeline on genologin.


Conda and Snakemake are required to install and run this pipeline.

  1. Load modules

    module purge
    module load system/Anaconda3-5.2.0
    module load bioinfo/snakemake-4.8.0
  2. Enable the conda activate command

    source /usr/local/bioinfo/src/Anaconda/Anaconda3-5.2.0/etc/profile.d/conda.sh


  1. Download the code

    git clone https://github.com/sdjebali/fragencode-rnaseq-mapquantassemble.git
  2. (Recommended) Specify the conda environments and packages paths if you want them elsewhere than ~/.conda

    conda config --add envs_dirs /path/to/conda/envs
    conda config --add pkgs_dirs /path/to/conda/pkgs
  3. Create the environment in the conda environments path

    cd fragencode-rnaseq-mapquantassemble
    conda env create --file environment.yaml


  1. Configure the samples.tsv, reads.tsv and config.yaml files

  2. Activate the conda environment

    conda activate mapquantassemble
  3. Export the DRMAA library path

    export DRMAA_LIBRARY_PATH="/tools/libraries/slurm-drmaa/slurm-drmaa-1.0.7/lib/libdrmaa.so"
  4. Run the pipeline

    cd fragencode-rnaseq-mapquantassemble
    snakemake --use-conda --conda-prefix /path/to/conda/envs --debug-dag --jobs 30 --cluster-config cluster.yaml --drmaa " --mem-per-cpu={cluster.mem}000 --mincpus={threads} --time={cluster.time} -J {cluster.name} -N 1=1" --configfile config.yaml -p