
Fork of utcompling's 'tacc-hadoop' repo with personal customizations

Primary LanguageShell


This will get you started using a Hadoop cluster on TACC with scoobi, a Scala wrapper of the Hadoop interface. Using Scoobi is not required, and this repository still has some useful tools even if you're working with Ruby: Wukong, Python: Dumbo, or plain old Java: Hadoop-MapReduce.

Setting up the environment

You'll need to set up a few things to get yourself access to Longhorn.

  1. Get an account on TACC. I'll assume you use the username taccname.

  2. Ask Weijia Xu to add you to the hadoop group on Longhorn.

  3. On your local machine, add a shortcut to the longhorn login node, which I will name tacc. dig a longhorn.tacc.utexas.edu will show you the IP address in case the one below does not work.

     echo ' tacc' >> /etc/hosts
     ssh taccname@tacc
  4. Great, now you're on TACC, on the login node. Change your default shell to bash (if it's not bash already):

    chsh -s /bin/bash
  5. Clone this repository to your home folder:

     cd ~
     module load git
     git clone --recursive https://github.com/chbrown/tacc-hadoop.git
     echo '. ~/tacc-hadoop/hadoop-conf/hadoop-env.sh' >> ~/.bash_profile
  6. Now you can either log out and back in, or run this manually, just this once:

     source ~/tacc-hadoop/hadoop-conf/hadoop-env.sh

Starting a cluster

Reserve a 5-machine cluster for 10 hours. JobName can be anything without spaces and is not required:

start 10 5 JobName

It may take a while to fit that in. To check on how many other people are using the cluster and see who else is waiting in the queue:


Your job has your username in it, as well as the first 10 characters of the JobName you used above. You can also check on the status of just your request:


The output of that program will show you a hostname under the queue column when your cluster is ready. That hostname is the namenode of your cluster, and is where you will do most of your work from. You can ssh to that node, or simply call


Once your cluster is running and you've ssh'ed over, you can run the pi test job, which simply calculates Pi.

# Calculate Pi with 10 maps and 1000 samples
hadoop jar $HADOOP_HOME/hadoop-*examples*.jar pi 10 1000

Check on the general health of your cluster, to make sure HDFS is up and running:

hadoop dfsadmin -report

If you have any trouble, or see anything weird in the output, you can stop and re-start the cluster:


If you have an iThing and want to be notified when your job starts, you can add an environmental variable to ~/tacc-hadoop/hadoop-conf/hadoop-env.sh or ~/.bash_profile:

export PROWL_API_KEY=215f5a87c6e95c5c43dcc8ca74994ce67c6e95c5

This is used in jobs/hadoop.template, which start renders to jobs/hadoop and then submits to the Longhorn queue manager with qsub. So if you want to change the message it sends you, look for the PROWL_API_KEY string in jobs/hadoop.template and change the fields sent to curl however you like.

To get an API key, register for a free Prowl account, log in, then go to the API tab to view / create a new API key. Paste that key into one of the files above, instead of the "215f5a8..." example.

The iPhone app is $2.99. You just install, log in with the same username and password you used for the Prowl website, and then everything just works. The notifications have no delay, as far as I can tell.

The job template does allow specifying an -M me@gmail.com flag, which presumably emails you when the job starts/aborts/ends, but in my experience, it takes about three days for these emails to get all the way from JJ. Pickle to my computer. Not awfully useful, since the maximum reservation duration on TACC is much shorter than 72 hours.

Running hadoop jobs with scoobi

To run the project locally (for testing with a small amount of data, for example), you need to make sure your configuration is not expecting a cluster:


Now put in some sample data:

echo "this is a test . this test is short ." > example.txt
rm -rf example.wc

And run!

./sbt "run-main dhg.tacc.WordCount example.txt example.wc"

Look at the output:

cat example.wc/ch0out0-r-00000
> (a,1)
> (is,2)
> (short,1)
> (test,2)
> (this,2)

To run on the cluster, once your cluster is up and running and hadoop dfsadmin -report looked promising:


Package up a jar of the SBT build. This can take about 2 minutes.

./sbt assembly

Make up some data:

echo "this is a test . this test is short ." > example.txt
hadoop fs -put example.txt example.txt

There is a helper command put that is a simple shortcut for hadoop -fs put. The above could be replicated with:

put example.txt

Run the materialize example:

run cluster dhg.tacc.WordCountMaterialize example.txt

This will produce:

List((a,1), (is,2), (short,1), (test,2), (this,2))

Run the file-output example:

hadoop jar target/tacc-hadoop-assembly.jar dhg.tacc.WordCount example.txt example.wc
rm -rf example.wc
hadoop fs -getmerge example.wc example.wc
cat example.wc

This will produce


Other useful stuff

Scoobi allows you to pass command-line options to change its behavior. One useful option is inmemory which will run your job locally through a pipeline backed by scala collections. This is a very fast way to test your job that doesn't require you to actually change the code. It works on any way that you run your job:

./sbt "run-main dhg.tacc.WordCountMaterialize example.txt -- scoobi inmemory"
run local dhg.tacc.WordCountMaterialize example.txt -- scoobi inmemory
run cluster dhg.tacc.WordCountMaterialize example.txt -- scoobi inmemory

By default, this repository uses another user's Hadoop package, which is at:


You can use your own Hadoop, for example, the newer hadoop-0.20.2-cdh3u5, which you can get from http://archive.cloudera.com/cdh/3/. Simply download, unpackage, and link:

rm hadoop
wget http://archive.cloudera.com/cdh/3/hadoop-0.20.2-cdh3u5.tar.gz
tar xzf hadoop-0.20.2-cdh3u5.tar.gz
ln -s hadoop-0.20.2-cdh3u5 hadoop

Miscellaneous cluster stuff

While you can't sudo on TACC to install system packages, there are some other modules you can load from the TACC system. A recent Python is one:

module load python/2.7.1-epd

Oddly, you can't use some of them from your cluster nodes. module load git doesn't work, for example. I've built git and tmux packages and put them in a ~/local folder with ~/local/bin on my PATH, which is working out well.

Some UT graduate students have compiled a useful collection of TACC-related notes, geared towards Windows users who prefer Java and graphical user interfaces. https://sites.google.com/site/tacchadoop/