
Specification of bots.yml for software bots

Specification of bots.yml for software bots

Authors: Martin Monperrus et al. (add your name)
Created on July 2019, last modifications.

Software development platforms such as Github are slowly becoming a playground for software bots. For instance, the Dependabot makes pull-requests to fix insecure dependencies and Repairnator makes pull-request to fix build failures. Some bots are commercial, other come from research and academia.

Problem: The problem with software bots is that they can be disruptive, they can be perceived as unwelcomed by developers, if not Github spammers.

Solution: Developers have a way to tell the authors and operators of software bots whether and to what extent the bot contribution are welcome.

The bots.yml configuration file

Developers can add a bots.yml at the root of their repository. This file specifies:

  • which bots are allowed or disallowed
  • which kinds of contributions are welcomed

In essence this file is equivalent to the robots.txt file put at the root of web servers to tell web crawlers about important crawling directives.

The file is written in the YAML format.

The allow-bots directive

The allow-bots directive specifies which bots are allowed.

allow-bots: yes
allow-bots: no

One can list bots by type, in this case, only the bots of the listed types are allowed to operate on this repo:

  type: [research]
  type: [research, commercial]

One can list bots by name, in this case, only the listed bots are allowed to operate on this repo:

  name: [repairnator]

When bots are listed by name, new bots are allowed to make a single pull-request adding their identifier to the list. If this pull-request is rejected, it means that the new bot is not welcome.

The contribution-kinds directive

The contribution-kinds directive specifies which kinds of contributions are welcome. The accepted values are new-issue, new-pr, issue-comment, pr-comment. If it is not present in bots.yml, it is assumed that all kinds of contributions are welcomed.

# new issue and pr forbidden
contribution-kinds: [issue-comment, pr-comment]

Known bots complying with bots.yml

Make a pull-request to add a new bot:

  • TODO


This comes from great discussion at the 1st International Workshop on Bots in Software Engineering in Montreal, Canada.