A simple python client for Crypto Trade Site Peatio.com
from lib.client import Client, get_api_path
client = Client(access_key='your access key', secret_key='your secret key')
#get members API url using get_api_path by key 'members'
#API mapping of get_api_path
'my_trades' : '/api/v2/trades/my.json'
'members' : '/api/v2/members/me.json'
'orders' : '/api/v2/orders.json'
'delete_order': '/api/v2/order/delete.json'
'order_book' : '/api/v2/order_book.json'
'clear' : '/api/v2/orders/clear.json'
'trades' : '/api/v2/trades.json'
'order' : '/api/v2/order.json'
'multi_orders': '/api/v2/orders/multi.json'
'tickers' : '/api/v2/tickers/{market}.json'
'markets' : '/api/v2/markets.json'
'k' : '/api/v2/k.json'
url = get_api_path('members')
#you can also give url a plain text, just like this:
url = "/api/v2/members/me.json"
#send request
res = client.get(url)
#if your access key and secret are correct, res should be a json like this:
u'email': u'zhaoyu.johnny@@gmail.com',
u'activated': True,
u'sn': u'PEAA*******',
u'name': u'JohnnyZhao',
{u'currency': u'cny',
u'balance': u'1000',
u'locked': u'0.0'},
{u'currency': u'btc',
u'balance': u'31',
u'locked': u'0.0'},
{u'currency': u'pts',
u'balance': u'60',
u'locked': u'0.0'},
{u'currency': u'dog',
u'balance': u'23952',
u'locked': u'11.0'}
#get markets
markets = client.get(get_api_path('markets'))
print markets
#markets should be a json like this
{u'id': u'btccny', u'name': u'BTC/CNY'},
{u'id': u'ptscny', u'name': u'PTS/CNY'},
{u'id': u'dogcny', u'name': u'DOG/CNY'},
{u'id': u'dogbtc', u'name': u'DOG/BTC'}
#get your orders in a specific market
orders = client.get(get_api_path('orders'), {'market': market['id']})
print orders
#orders will be an empty list or json like this
{u'created_at': u'2014-07-05T14:56:25+08:00',
u'remaining_volume': u'11.0',
u'price': u'0.01',
u'side': u'sell',
u'volume': u'11.0',
u'state': u'wait',
u'avg_price': u'0.0',
u'executed_volume': u'0.0',
u'id': 299751,
u'market': u'dogcny'
#create new order
#sell 10 dogecoins at price 0.01
params = {'market': 'dogcny', 'side': 'sell', 'volume': 10, 'price': 0.01}
res = client.post(get_api_path('orders'), params)
print res
#buy 10 dogecoins at price 0.001
params = {'market': 'dogcny', 'side': 'buy', 'volume': 10, 'price': 0.001}
res = client.post(get_api_path('orders'), params)
print res
#clear orders
#clear all orders in all markets
res = client.post(get_api_path('clear'))
print res
#delete a specific order by order_id
#first, let's create an sell order
#sell 10 dogecoins at price 0.01
params = {'market': 'dogcny', 'side': 'sell', 'volume': 12, 'price': 0.01}
res = client.post(get_api_path('orders'), params)
print res
order_id = res['id']
#delete this order
params = {"id": order_id}
res = client.post(get_api_path('delete_order'), params)
#create multi orders
params = {'market': 'dogcny', 'orders': [{'side': 'buy', 'volume': 12, 'price': 0.0002}, {'side': 'sell', 'volume': 11, 'price': 0.01}]}
res = client.post(get_api_path('multi_orders'), params)
for more usage demos, checkout demo.py file
Pull requests are welcomed