Stack Exchange Machine Learning Competition


Stack Exchange is a network of question and answer websites that cover a wide range of topics from physics to boardgames. Users may rank answers using an upvote / downvote system, and also select an answer as "correct" if they are the orignal question owner and found it to be the best. These sites are modeled after the well known Stack Overflow site. If you are not familiar with Stack Exchange, please poke around here to get a feel for what it is and how it works.

In this competition, you will use a slightly slimmed down subset of the Stack Exchange Data Dump to make predictions about whether or not an answer is the selected answer for a question. This presents various challenges, and is a good starting point to dive right in and learn about data science and/or machine learning.

Below is an outline of the competition details, how to get the data, and how to submit an answer.

Competition Details

The objective of this competition is to predict the probability that an answer to a question is the selected answer.

The setup below will provide the following files for each of the choosen Stack Exchange sites:

  1. badges.csv

    • Please see Badges.xml here
  2. comments.csv

    • Please see Comments.xml here
  3. posthistory.csv

    • Please see PostHistory.xml here
  4. postlinks.csv

    • Please see PostLinks.xml here
  5. questions.csv

    • Please see Post.xml here where PostTypeId=1
  6. tags.csv

    • Please see Tags.xml here
  7. test.answers.csv

    • Please see Post.xml here where PostTypeId=2
    • These are related to questions.csv (ParentId is the Id of the question in questions.csv)
    • These are the answers used to test your model and produce a submission
  8. train.not-selected-answers.csv

    • These are the answers which were NOT selected as an answer to their corresponding question
    • Please see Post.xml here where PostTypeId=2
    • These are related to questions.csv (ParentId is the Id of the question in questions.csv)
  9. train.selected-answers.csv

    • These are the answers which WERE selected as an answer to their corresponding question
    • Please see Post.xml here where PostTypeId=2
    • These are related to questions.csv (ParentId is the Id of the question in questions.csv)
  10. users.csv

    • Please see Users.xml here
  11. Additionally, the name of the site (from the container directory) may be used as part of the dataset.

  • No data other than that explicitly stated above may be used for the objective of this competition
  • All files except for 7 (test.answers.csv) may be used for training.
  • 7 (test.answers.csv) is ONLY to be used to produce submissions!! It is cheating to do otherwise and would be against the spirit of the competition.

Submission Objective

Given a site name and an answer Id from test.answers.csv, and / or any other data that can be associated using the provided files above, predict the probability that it is the selected answer. Specifically, 0.0 represents a 0% probability that the answer is the selected answer and 1.0 represents a 100% probability that an answer is the selected answer. - You may not use an answer's Id to associate it with a question's AcceptedAnswerId - Furthermore, you may not use any data that directly identifies whether or not it was the accepted answer.


A single submission file will be generated such that is has a row for each answer in ./data/*/test.answers.csv (for all sites), such that it is a space delimited string FullSiteName AnswerId PredictedProbabilityOfSelectedAnswer (ex. 1337 0.5).

Please see sample.submission.txt. (The sample is also the baseline for equal guessing, and is a reliable list of the necesary test AnswerIds for a valid submission)

Getting the Data

  1. Download and unzip data.7z
  2. Data will be located in ./data/*/*.csv

Submit predictions