
Modules for training neural networks using PyTorch

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Utility modules and functions for training Convolutional Neural Networks using PyTorch. See the notebooks folder for relevant examples.

The main modules are:

  • imagedataset.py: Classes for loading image classification and segmentation datasets;
  • models: A collection of some useful CNN architectures for classification and segmentation;
  • img_util.py: Utility functions for loading and displaying images;
  • module_util.py: Utility functions for working with CNNs architectures, including: splitting the model into layer groups, extracting intermediate activations of a model and measuring the receptive field of CNNs.
  • perf_funcs.py: Functions and classes for measuring the performance of a CNN. Notable metrics are IoU, f1-score, precision, recall, soft Dice loss, focal loss and COCO metrics (only for segmentation).
  • inspector.py: Class for easily inspecting model parameters, activations and gradients;
  • profiling.py: Utilities for profiling CPU and GPU usage;
  • model_debug.py: Utilities for debugging models;

You can install the code as an editable package by running the following command inside the root directory (the directory containing the pyproject.toml file):

pip install -e .

or if using conda:

conda develop .

If you are using conda and for some reason want to install the package as editable using pip, and want to avoid pip messing up your environment, use

pip install --no-build-isolation --no-deps -e .