
Properly initialize the KB

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This line using tripledb_forget/3 to clear the DB is commented because it causes issues in the next run (some facts are not in the DB)

# prolog.query('tripledb_forget(_,_,_).') # clean DB before starting


Setting to control the persistence of knowledge in the MongoDB in KnowRob:
But it seems no wildcard (*) is allowed yet in the settings.
By default, the "user" RDF graph should be deleted, which is the one used by default when you call tell/1.

Tip from DBessler:

In the current master loading OWL files takes quite long, so it might be beneficial to keep the OWL files in DB. Each OWL file is asserted into a separate RDF graph, so you could also just drop the RDF graphs of some specific ontology if you want to reload it. But KnowRob should auto-reload it when your local files have changes.