Google Cloud Starter - Cloud Functions

This is a starter project for Google Cloud Functions based on nodejs and is invoked by http requests. It is implemented in JavaScript and provides linting, cors, unit tests, system tests, logging and multiple functions via routing.


  1. Before you can start coding, make sure that gcloud is installed.

  2. This starter also requires Node.js.

If you already have installed the prerequisites, then you're all set.

Install and run locally

  1. Install package and its dependencies:

     npm install
  2. Run eslint:

     npm run lint
  3. Run unit tests:

     npm test
  4. Start local instance:

     npm start
  5. Open browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080/ or http://localhost:8080/gcp to invoke the service.

Deploy to Google Cloud

  1. Configure project and region for gcloud:

     gcloud config set project [PROJECT_ID]
     gcloud config set functions/region [REGION]

    Note: Replace [PROJECT_ID] with the google cloud project id. Specifying the region is optional, replace the [REGION] accordingly.

  2. Deploy to google cloud:

     npm run deploy
  3. Run system test:

     export BASE_URL="[BASE_URL]"
     npm run test:system

    Note: Replace [BASE_URL] with the url to the cloud function service, e.g.

  4. Open service in browser:


By default, info level messages are logged. Add the envrionment variable APP_LOG_LEVEL to change the logging level:

    gcloud functions deploy FUNCTION_NAME --update-env-vars APP_LOG_LEVEL=debug

Also consider to change the environment variables with Cloud Console. The default logName is "projects/[PROJECT_ID]/logs/[PACKAGE_JSON_NAME]_log". This starter uses winston as logging library. Please read more about how to write log entries and about all possible logging levels on the project website.


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.