- Queue with only head ptr, remove old at head, append new to the end
- Stack (push/pop at head)
- Priority Queue (uses an array-based Binary Heap)
- traverseBFS
- insert (with heapifyUp to ensure heap property)
- delete (with heapifyDown to ensure heap property)
- peek (get max value)
- copyHeap
- Array Structure
JUnits Tests to test each operation and to ensure proper tracking of next insert/delete location to ensure shape property
- add - recursive
- find - recursive
- delete - recursive
- traverseBFS - iterative (uses a queue)
- traverseDFSpreorder - recursive
- traverseDFSinorder - recursive
- traverseDFSpostorder - recursive
- copyTree - recursive
- deleteTree - recursive
- findMin - iterative
- findMax - iterative
- add
- updateValue
- delete
- deleteAll
- lookUp
- getHash
- Separate Chaining Collision resolution using ArrayLists
- Use: Run Graphs to run a sample adjacency list with outputs of the different operations.
- Vertices are stored in an arraylist. Each vertex has an arraylist of edges to neighoring vertices.
- Supports directed graphs.
- addVertex
- addEdge
- removeVertex
- removeEdge
- updateEdge
- copyGraph
- deleteGraph
Implemented Algorithms:
Breadth First Search
- traverseBFS
- shortestPath
Depth First Search
- DAG test
- traverseDFS
- topological sort
- Classification of edges into (in comments): 1)Tree Edges 2)Back Edges 3)Forward/Cross Edges
- addLast
- addFirst
- removeFirst
- removeLast
- insertAtIndex
- removeAtIndex
- getDataAtIndex
- getIndex
- peekFront
- peekBack
- contains
- not in place, stable sort
- O(n log n) best/AVG/worst case performance
- O(n) auxiliary space
- not in place, not stable
- O(n log n) best/AVG, O(n^2) worst case performance
- O(n) auxiliary space
- fastest on average
- stable, in-place
- O(n^2) - worst/AVG case, O(n) - best case (already sorted list)
- O(1) auxilary - worst case space complexity