
This project analyzes GCP BigQuery data and uses Looker Studio to build a Peak Hour Analysis.

NYC Green Taxi Trip Analysis (2014-2023)

NYC TLC Green Cabs


This project analyzes the trip volume of NYC Green Taxis from 2014 to 2023. The primary focus is to identify peak hours for pickups and drop-offs to optimize taxi availability and improve service efficiency.

Dataset is taken from GCP Public Datasets:

Link to the Public Dataset

Report Link

You can view the full report here: Trip Volume by Hour of the Day (2014-2023) NYC Green Trips


  • peak_analysis.sql: This file contains the SQL query used to extract and analyze the data for the report.
  • query_execution.png: A screenshot showing the execution of the SQL query.

NYC Green Taxis

NYC Green Taxis, also known as Boro Taxis, were introduced by the New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) to serve the outer boroughs (Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island) and upper Manhattan (above East 96th Street and West 110th Street). These green-colored taxis aim to improve taxi service availability in areas that were traditionally underserved by the iconic yellow cabs.

Analysis Insights

From the analysis, the following insights were obtained:

  1. Peak Pickup and Drop-off Hours: The highest volume of pickups and drop-offs occurs between 5 PM and 7 PM, with 6 PM being the peak hour for pickups and 7 PM for drop-offs.
  2. Consistent High Volume: The trip volume remains high from 5 PM to 8 PM, indicating these are the busiest hours for NYC Green Taxis.
  3. Midday and Late Night Trends: There is lower activity during midday and late night hours, suggesting lower demand during these times.

Insight Report


The report includes a bar chart visualization named "Trip Volume by Hour of the Day (2014-2023) NYC Green Trips." This chart provides a clear visual representation of the hourly trip volumes for both pickups and drop-offs.

SQL_Execution_Plan in GCP BigQuery


How to Use

  1. Review the Report: Visit the report link to review the interactive analysis.
  2. Understand Insights: Use the insights to optimize resource allocation, improve service efficiency, and plan for high-demand hours.


This analysis provides valuable insights into the peak hours of NYC Green Taxis, helping to enhance service planning and efficiency. By understanding trip volumes and patterns, better decisions can be made to improve taxi availability and customer satisfaction.