
application to test messing around with a angularjs front-end and laravel back-end codebase

Primary LanguagePHP


application to test messing around with a angularjs front-end and laravel back-end codebase

Personal Notes for running on my local WSL subsystem:

setup mysql server using the following docs: https://pen-y-fan.github.io/2021/08/08/How-to-install-MySQL-on-WSL-2-Ubuntu/

  • start SQL server sudo service mysql start
  • stop SQL server sudo service mysql stop

To deploy the front-end server: ng serve

To deploy the back-end server: php artisan serve

Trouble shooting

  • If getting driver error when running migrations or trying to make a request to an endpoint the following command may resolve this: sudo apt-get install php-mysql

  • changing up some of the typescript syntaxs I'm used too since version 3.9.5, TypeScript enforces strictNullChecks on numbers and strings


  • Create random generated seeders, or pull from a online API to populate the database tables for future ease of access
  • Create test database connection before connections can be established
  • Create unit tests for UserController