
This project is an app for grouping payments by goal with your family/friends

Primary LanguageRuby

ROR-Capstone: Grouping Transactions

This project is based on a mobile version app for grouping transactions by goal with your family/friends.

Basic Features and Usage:

    1. Home screen
    1. Basic login: One can log into the app with a user name or signup with a user name and a pofile picture which is optional for sign up since it can be added during editing of user profile
    1. Profile view with links to groups and created transactions
    1. View all your grouped transactions
    1. View all your transactions without an assigned group
    1. View all the groups made in the app.
    1. View details for each transaction. (Can access them from grouped and ungrouped transaction views as well as from the group info view)
    1. Make a new transaction, with or without it belonging to a group
    1. View details for each group, which include the transactions owned by that group.
    1. Make a new group.




App Screenshots

screenshot screenshot screenshot screenshot screenshot screenshot screenshot


Live Demo

Live Demo Link

Built With

  • Ruby v2.7.2
  • Ruby on Rails v6.1.1

Getting Started


Ruby: 2.7.2 Rails: 6.1.1 Postgres: >=9.5

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


  • Clone the repository by typing this -> git@github.com:che30/GTRedo.git in any folder of your choice
  • Next type the command cd GTRedo
  • Checkout to the feature branch by typing git checkout feature
  • Run the command yarn install
  • Run the command bundle install
  • Run the command rails db:create followed by rails db:migrate


Start server by typing on your terminal:

    rails server

Open http://localhost:3000/ in your browser.

Run tests

Type the command

    rspec --format documentation

in order to execute rspec tests


👤 Che Nsoh Blanchard

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!


My acknowledgement goes to the following without which this project would not have been a success

  • Microverse for the general requirements.
  • Design idea by Gregoire Vella on Behance.
  • Flaticon.com and each individual designer for their icons used

📝 License