This is an MVP App with two types of users, Doctors and patients. Doctors are added by the admin and they only login into the system while patients sign up and book consultation appointments.
- Ruby
- Rails framework(API Endpoints)
- Javascript
- React framework
- Webpack
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps and type the necessary highlited commands on your terminal.
1- Clone the back-end Enpoints project by typing git clone
2- cd appointment
4- bundle install
to install necassary gems
3- rails s -p 3001
to open the backend server on port 3001 since we will be running our front-end server on port 3001
1- Clone the front-end project by typing git clone front_end_appointment.git
2- cd front_end_appointment
3- yarn install or npm install
4- npm start
or yarn start
To test the back-end run the the following command:
- rspec
To be uploaded very soon
Che Blanchard
- GitHub: @che30
- LinkedIn: Che Blanchard
- Twitter: @che55085128
- Microverse
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!