
This project is about a simple Library application where users can enter books in a form with informtion on the book such as it's Title, the Author and the number of pages . The informations about the book the user entered will displayed to him. It also has an additional feature which indicates if a he has read a book or not. Built Javascript, HTML/CSS,Bootstrap

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Library app project

This project is about a simple Library application where users can enter books in a form with informtion on the book such as it's Title, the Author and the number of pages . The informations about the book the user entered will displayed to him. It also has an additional feature which indicates if a he has read a book or not.


Built With

  • HTML & CSS
  • Javasript

Getting started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


  • Clone the project locally.
  • Type the command cd libraryAppProject
  • Use any browser of your choice, copy the absolute path of the index.html and type in the search bar

Live Demo


Che Blanchard


  • The next web
  • W3 schools
  • Font awesome
  • Stack overflow


Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

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This project is MIT licensed.