- 2
Missing data & data inconsistency
#46 opened by matxx - 0
EU bb/unit parsing failing
#58 opened by matxx - 0
EU Data Update info
#60 opened by araan - 1
JSON Syntax Errors @ eu/feskills.json
#57 opened by Kays - 3
- 2
LS data missing for Barion and Mordlim
#54 opened by Kays - 1
explanation on AI condition
#55 opened by matxx - 1
Eze's SP #7 Translation/Desc Bug
#44 opened by Kays - 3
Latest Pulls
#52 opened by Mich1997 - 3
corrupted EU units data
#51 opened by matxx - 2
EU update weekly
#50 opened by matxx - 3
- 1
Update EU
#48 opened by MathieuDerelle - 2
Roa (Unit 1016) in Japan's UBB
#27 opened by touchandswipe - 1
data seems corrupted :D 0 size file
#45 opened by touchandswipe - 3
Europe Data needs an update
#42 opened by animehunter - 2
it has patched last 3 days ago
#47 opened by chris2333 - 1
OE evo data
#43 opened by corroded - 2
Global FESKILLS.JSON showing JP language?
#40 opened by touchandswipe - 3
EU data corrupted
#41 opened by touchandswipe - 2
Sphere 武神刹刃『闘覇冥水』 has new type?
#30 opened by touchandswipe - 2
Missing EU NeoAvalon units?
#34 opened by touchandswipe - 0
data missing with latest run
#35 opened by touchandswipe - 0
some problems on JP data on today's run
#36 opened by touchandswipe - 1
EU Data seems corrupted
#37 opened by touchandswipe - 0
- 1
EU Data are reverted back to Global Modelling ?
#33 opened by matxx - 5
Question - Hope you can help?
#12 opened by touchandswipe - 2
- 2
Type stats adjustments on JP
#29 opened by touchandswipe - 2
- 3
Errors in new EU content for some units
#21 opened by touchandswipe - 2
EU new units is not loaded somehow
#25 opened by touchandswipe - 3
- 0
data corrupt on global
#23 opened by touchandswipe - 4
Including Buff CODE ID for Leader skills?
#22 opened by touchandswipe - 5
- 5
Issue on "Added elements" for BB ATKs of units e.g. Melchio and a few others
#20 opened by touchandswipe - 1
#16 opened by touchandswipe - 4
Question (Not an issue)
#15 opened by touchandswipe - 2
Missing SBB hits data from recent 6*
#14 opened by touchandswipe - 2
New Japan Collaboration Units is released
#13 opened by touchandswipe - 0
- 2
unit cost inclusion
#9 opened by touchandswipe - 2
new passive with new event orbs
#10 opened by touchandswipe - 8
Is there a way to get the image thumbnails?
#7 opened by corroded - 0
unit cost inc
#8 opened by touchandswipe - 3
Sphere types?
#4 opened by touchandswipe - 0
- 1
Item Rarity Broken?
#2 opened by touchandswipe