
Review of Chebfun2 guide needed

trefethen opened this issue · 2 comments

I've just pushed a polished-up version of the Chebfun2 guide. Specifically, I folded the old guide4.m into guide1.m (this was a short section on phase portraits), so that now the Chebfun2 guide just has 5 chapters instead of 6. These are still short compared with the chapters of the Chebfun guide, but I think the situation is pretty good, and they may grow in the future as we add further information.

Most things now work except a plotting bug or two, especially in guide5.m. @Hrothgar, I think it would be fine for you to put these up at the new web site, but at the same time @ajt60gaibb, I think it's important for you to look these over and make a few corrections and improvements.

@Hrothgar, the Chebfun2 guide now executes without failure on my machine. I haven't gone through to look over the guide and make improvements yet.

I am on it.