- aaustin141
- abigopalNew Haven, CT
- ajt60gaibbCornell University
- amyguyomardInternational TechneGroup Inc
- asgeirbirkisUniversity of Oxford
- baddoo@MIT
- bhashemiUniversity of Leicester
- danfortunatoFlatiron Institute
- davidagross1728 Solutions, LLC
- ditommaso
- eemailme
- gradywrightBoise State Univeristy
- Hadrien-Montanelli@inria
- heatherw3521Seattle, WA
- jaurentz
- JFlry
- jhcloos
- klauszuoxinwangGeorgia Institute of Technology
- kleing
- kuanxuOxford University
- mhsnjvdMathematical Institute, University of Oxford
- MikaelSlevinskyUniversity of Manitoba
- nakatsukasayuji
- NBoulleImperial College London
- nickhaleStellenbosh University
- oliviersete
- pbrubeck
- rothosGlobal
- sfilipFrance
- tjz2026Institute of theoretical physics, University of Goettingen
- tobydriscollUniversity of Delaware
- trefethenOxford University