
A minimalistic MessagePack encoder and decoder for JavaScript.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

tiny-msgpack Build Status

A minimalistic MessagePack encoder and decoder for JavaScript.

  • Tiny Size (2.63 kB minified and gzipped)
  • Fast performance (Slightly faster than msgpack-lite)
  • Extension support
  • No other bells or whistles

By default, msgpack can encode numbers, strings, booleans, nulls, arrays, objects, and binary data (Uint8Array). However, additional types can be registered by using extensions.


npm install --save tiny-msgpack


var msgpack = require('tiny-msgpack');

var uint8array = msgpack.encode({foo: 'bar', baz: 123});
var object = msgpack.decode(uint8array);


var msgpack = require('tiny-msgpack');
var codec = new msgpack.Codec;

function encodeDate(date) {
  return msgpack.encode(+date);
function decodeDate(uint8array) {
  return new Date(msgpack.decode(uint8array));
codec.register(0x42, Date, encodeDate, decodeDate);

var uint8array = msgpack.encode({timestamp: new Date}, codec);
var object = msgpack.decode(uint8array, codec);
console.log(object.timestamp instanceof Date); // => true

Browser Support

In the browser, tiny-msgpack requires the Encoding API, which is currently only implemented by Chrome and Firefox. However, if you polyfill it, this package is supported by the following browsers:

  • Chrome 9+
  • Firefox 15+
  • Safari 5.1+
  • Opera 12.1+
  • Internet Explorer 10+

Zero copy

In the MessagePack format, binary data is encoded as... binary data! To maximize performance, tiny-msgpack does not copy binary data when encoding or decoding it. So after decoding, the contents of a returned Uint8Array can be affected by modifying the input Uint8Array (the same can happen with encoding).
