
🕵️ Find usernames across 175+ websites & social networks and websites - Linux + Windows + MacOS

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Sherlock.TS 🕵️ - search users across 175+ websites


Sherlock.TS is a remake of the original sherlock written in Python by sdushantha.

It's written in TypeScript because I wanted to test how to create a CLI in NodeJs + TypeScript that can be executed on Windows, MacOS and Linux (within 24h) 😊 And it worked! I'm planning to update and improve this project further - feel free to create an issue with your ideas.

Master-Branch Status

Node.js CI

How to use?

  1. Simply down the executable for your system from the latest release.
  2. Open the command line where your file is located. Here is a tutorial if you aren't familiar with that.
  3. Run the script by using:
    • Windows: sherlockts-win.exe --username=JohnDoe
    • Linux: ./sherlockts-linux --username=JohnDoe
  4. Done! 🎉 You now have a running version of Sherlock.TS on your machine.

Tip: Of course you can rename the file to sherlock or whatever you want to.

Command Options

Argument Description
--help Show help
--version Show version number
-n, -u, --name, --username Username to look for
-m, --onlyMatching Only show matching results
-t, --timeout Set timout for requests in ms
-f, --format Select output format [json,pretty-json,csv]

How to contribute?

If you encounter any issues please create an issue here but please look for existing issues first before creating a new one 😉

How to install the source code?

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Run npm run local-setup

If you want to run a server for development run npm start. This will watch for changes and automatically restarts the script.

After running npm run build to compile the typescript files you can run node build/index.js as well.

Useful development commands:

  • npm run lint - Runs a code linter to look for check the code style.
  • npm test - Runs all tests and creates a code coverage report.
  • npm run test-ci - Runs linting, security audits and test as done be CI.
  • npm run pkg - Create a local executable on you current system in the root directory.