
Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Checkmarx CxFlow Github Action Checkmarx Github

License: GPL-3.0 Latest Release Open Issues

Checkmarx CxFlow GitHub Action with SARIF output.

Publish Security Alerts associated with the code in your Github Repository using Checkmarx with this Github Action Integration.

This is a Wrapper to trigger scans the latest version of CxFlow through Docker to launch Checkmarx SAST or SCA Scans.


  • Checkmarx SAST (CxSAST) is an enterprise-grade flexible and accurate static analysis solution used to identify hundreds of security vulnerabilities in custom code. It is used by development, DevOps, and security teams to scan source code early in the SDLC, identify vulnerabilities and provide actionable insights to remediate them.
  • Checkmarx SCA (CxSCA) is an effective next-gen software composition analysis solution designed to help development teams ship secure software quickly while giving AppSec teams the insight and control they need to improve your software security risk posture.
  • Checkmarx Flow (CxFlow) is an SDLC orchestration module managing Applciaton Security Test (AST) scan initiation and results manangement.

Please find more info in the official website: Checkmarx.com

Version Compatiblity

The GitHub action Latest Release is only compatible with Checkmarx SAST 9.x and Checkmarx CxSCA.


Variable Example Value   Description   Type Required Default
checkmarx_url https://checkmarx.company.com Checkmarx Server URL String Yes N/A
checkmarx_username ${{ secrets.CHECKMARX_USERNAME }} Checkmarx Username String Yes N/A
checkmarx_password ${{ secrets.CHECKMARX_PASSWORD }} Checkmarx Password Secure String Yes N/A
checkmarx_client_secret ${{ secrets.CHECKMARX_CLIENT_SECRET }} Checkmarx OIDC Client Secret Reference 1, 2 Secure String Yes
team /CxServer/SP/Company Checkmarx Team for Project String No /CxServer/SP/Company
project ProjectName Checkmarx Project String Yes N/A
app AppID-1234 Unique Application Identifier used by downstream bug trackers (i.e. Jira) String No SampleApp
preset Checkmarx Express Checkmarx scan preset (SAST) String No High and Medium
break_build true Break build based on results? Boolean No false
bug_tracker Sarif, GitHubPull, GitHub Bug-tracker used for scan results String No Sarif
incremental true Trigger scan as incremental? (SAST) Boolean No true
github_token ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} GitHub API Token, used for PR Feedback or GitHub Issue Feedback String No ${{ github.token }}
repo-url ${{ github.event.repository.url }} GitHub Repository URL, used for Issue Feedback String Yes NA
scanners sast, cxgo, sca Vulnerability Scanners (sast, sca, cxgo). Multiple comma seperated values allowed. String Yes None
extra_certificates certificates Workspace subdirectory containing additional CxFlow X509 certificates (.crt) String No None
sca_api_url https://api-sca.checkmarx.net API URL for SCA scan String No https://api-sca.checkmarx.net
sca_app_url https://sca.checkmarx.net APP URL for SCA scan String No https://sca.checkmarx.net
sca_access_control_url https://platform.checkmarx.net Access control URL for SCA scan String No https://platform.checkmarx.net
sca_tenant SCA-COMPANY_NAME Tenant for the SCA project String No N/A
sca_username ${{ secrets.SCA_USERNAME }} Username for SCA scan String No N/A
sca_password ${{ secrets.SCA_PASSWORD }} Password for SCA scan Secure String No N/A
cxgo_base_url https://api.checkmarx.net Base URL for CxGo Scan String No https://api.checkmarx.net
cxgo_portal_url https://cloud.checkmarx.net Portal URL for CxGo Scan String No https://cloud.checkmarx.net
cxgo_client_secret ${{ secrets.CXGO_CLIENT_SECRET }} CxGo Client secret Secure String No N/A
jira_url ${{ secrets.JIRA_URL }} Jira Url Secure String No N/A
jira_username ${{ secrets.JIRA_USERNAME }} Jira Username Secure String No N/A
jira_token ${{ secrets.JIRA_TOKEN }} Jira Secret. This is personal access token, not password. Secure String No N/A
jira_project ${{ secrets.JIRA_PROJECT }} Jira Project Name Secure String No N/A
jira_issue_type 'Application Security Bug' Jira Issue Type String No N/A
jira_open_transition 'In Progress' Jira Open Transition Status String No N/A
jira_close_transition 'Done' Jira Close Transition Status String No N/A
jira_open_status 'Backlog,Selected for Development,In Progress' Jira Open Status String No N/A
jira_closed_status 'Done' Jira Closed Status String No N/A
params --severity=High --branch=${{ github.ref }} Any additional parameters for CxFlow. For a full list of all the parameters, see the following. Special note about filtering String No N/A
java_opts -Xms512m Any Java options String No N/A


Note: It is recommended to leverage secrets for any sensitive inputs

  • checkmarx_url: ${{ secrets.CHECKMARX_URL }}
  • checkmarx_username: ${{ secrets.CHECKMARX_USERNAME }}
  • checkmarx_password: ${{ secrets.CHECKMARX_PASSWORD }}
  • checkmarx_client_secret: ${{ secrets.CHECKMARX_CLIENT_SECRET }}
  • github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
  • sca_username: ${{ secrets.SCA_USERNAME }}
  • sca_password: ${{ secrets.SCA_PASSWORD }}
  • cxgo_client_secret: ${{ secrets.CXGO_CLIENT_SECRET }}
  • jira_url: ${{ secrets.JIRA_URL }}
  • jira_username: ${{ secrets.JIRA_USERNAME }}
  • jira_token: ${{ secrets.JIRA_TOKEN }}
  • jira_project: ${{ secrets.JIRA_PROJECT }}


Files can be excluded from the zipfile that CxFlow uploads to CxSAST by adding the --cx-flow.zip-exclude command line option to the params property in the GitHub Action configuration. The value of this option is a comma-separated list of regular expressions. Any file whose full path is matched by one of these regular expressions will be excluded from the zipfile.

The regular expression syntax is that used by the java.util.regex.Pattern class.

Here is an example of filtering files:


This will exclude all files and subdirectories found under the .git, .github, apps/tests, apps/docs, and apps/web directories.

  • Excluding the .git and .github folders from the zip file is highly important! Otherwise each commit will trigger a full scan due to changes in the files under these directories (which do not contain files that CxSAST will scan anyway).
  • Do not enclose the list of regular expressions in quotes as these will be taken to be part of the regular expression(s).

The CxFlow log will show you the regular expressions used:

2023-01-25 03:14:45.232  INFO 8 --- [           main] c.c.f.u.ZipUtils                          [vLhiqdlb] : Applying exclusions: \.git/.*,\\.github/.*

If DEBUG logging is enabled, each matching file will be logged:

2023-01-25 03:14:45.240 DEBUG 8 --- [           main] c.c.f.u.ZipUtils                          [vLhiqdlb] : match: \.git/.*$1.git/HEAD
2023-01-25 03:14:45.240 DEBUG 8 --- [           main] c.c.f.u.ZipUtils                          [vLhiqdlb] : match: \.git/.*$1.git/index
2023-01-25 03:14:45.241 DEBUG 8 --- [           main] c.c.f.u.ZipUtils                          [vLhiqdlb] : match: \.git/.*$1.git/config


Example for params

Any remaining cx-flow parameters can be provided to params in the same way that they are passed in cli mode. To understand more about cli parameters, Please see following

For a full list of all the cx-flow parameters, see the following

# sample examples
    --sca.team ="/CxServer/Sca
    --jira.url ="https://xxxx.atlassian.net"

Note: Please use environment variables if any params values contain spaces.

Example for environment variable

  # This workflow contains a single job called "build"
    name: CHECKMARX
    # The type of runner that the job will run on - Ubuntu is required as Docker is leveraged for the action
      contents: read # for actions/checkout to fetch code
      issues: write # for checkmarx-ts/checkmarx-cxflow-github-action to write feedback to github issues
      pull-requests: write # for checkmarx-ts/checkmarx-cxflow-github-action to write feedback to PR
      security-events: write # for github/codeql-action/upload-sarif to upload SARIF results
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    # Steps require - checkout code, run CxFlow Action, Upload SARIF report (optional)
    # Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it
    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    # Runs the Checkmarx Scan leveraging the latest version of CxFlow - REFER to Action README for list of inputs
    - name: Checkmarx CxFlow Action
      uses: checkmarx-ts/checkmarx-cxflow-github-action@v1.9
      #environment variable used for cx-flow
        JIRA_FIELDS_0_JIRA_FIELD_NAME : "Epic Link"
        JIRA_FIELDS_0_TYPE : static
        project: ${{ github.repository }}-PR
        team: ${{ secrets.CHECKMARX_TEAMS }}
        checkmarx_url: ${{ secrets.CHECKMARX_URL }}
        checkmarx_username: ${{ secrets.CHECKMARX_USERNAME }}
        checkmarx_password: ${{ secrets.CHECKMARX_PASSWORD }}
        checkmarx_client_secret: ${{ secrets.CHECKMARX_CLIENT_SECRET }}
        scanners: sca
        break_build: true
        bug_tracker: jira
        sca_api_url: ${{ secrets.SCA_API_URL }}
        sca_app_url: ${{ secrets.SCA_APP_URL }}
        sca_access_control_url: ${{ secrets.SCA_ACCESS_CONTROL_URL }}
        sca_tenant: ${{  secrets.SCA_TENANT }}
        sca_username: ${{ secrets.SCA_USERNAME }}
        sca_password: ${{ secrets.SCA_PASSWORD }}
        jira_url : ${{ secrets.JIRA_URL }}
        jira_username : ${{ secrets.JIRA_USERNAME }}
        jira_token : ${{ secrets.JIRA_TOKEN }}
        jira_project : ${{ secrets.JIRA_PROJECT }}
        jira_issue_type : 'Bug'
        jira_open_transition : 'In Progress'
        jira_close_transition : 'Done'
        jira_open_status : 'Selected for Development,In Progress'
        jira_closed_status : 'Done'
        params: '--namespace=${{ github.repository_owner }} --repo-name=${{ github.event.repository.name }} --branch=${{ github.ref }} --merge-id=${{ github.event.number }} --logging.level.com.checkmarx.*=DEBUG --cx-flow.filterSeverity --cx-flow.filterCategory'

In given example as "Epic Link" contains space, hence it is used as environment variable and not passed in params.

In the environment variable format, each parameter is represented by a unique variable name. The variable names are constructed by converting the YAML path to uppercase and replacing any dots with underscores The square brackets and their index are removed. The parameter key is separated from the value by an equal sign

In the given example, the YAML parameter is transformed to the equivalent environment variable format. Each line represents a separate environment variable with its respective key-value pair.

To understand more about environment variable, Please see following


The default output format for this GitHub Action is a SARIF output report stored in the working directory as ./cx.sarif

For full documentation on all the supported output formats and defect management integration, please see the following.

SARIF Report

The file ./cx.sarif is created containing issue details based on the filtering policy of CxFlow. To make use of the report for CodeQL please make sure the following is considered. See sample useage below.

Example usage

    # Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job
    # Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it
    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    # Scan code with Checkmarx
    - name: Checkmarx CxFlow Action
      uses: checkmarx-ts/checkmarx-cxflow-github-action@v1.3
        project: GithubActionTest
        team: /CxServer/SP/Checkmarx
        checkmarx_url: ${{ secrets.CHECKMARX_URL }}
        checkmarx_username: ${{ secrets.CHECKMARX_USERNAME }}
        checkmarx_password: ${{ secrets.CHECKMARX_PASSWORD }}
        checkmarx_client_secret: ${{ secrets.CHECKMARX_CLIENT_SECRET }}
    # Upload SARIF report for CodeQL / Security Alerts PRocessing
    - name: Upload SARIF file
      uses: github/codeql-action/upload-sarif@v2
        sarif_file: cx.sarif

Sample Output (Security Alerts)

Sample Alert

Sample Workflow files

Checkmarx SAST/SCA using self-hosted environment

How to setup GitHub self hosted runner?

User can follow below steps to configure self-hosted runner-

1- Go to settings of your project

Sample Alert

2- Select Runners under Actions tab

Sample Alert

3- Select new self-hosted runner

Sample Alert

4- Please select OS same as your target machine and follow instruction

Sample Alert

GitHub Action Self-hosted runner configuration for Local Scan

# This workflow uses actions that are not certified by GitHub.
# They are provided by a third-party and are governed by
# separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support
# documentation.

# This is a basic workflow to help you get started with Using Checkmarx CxFlow Action

name: CxFlow

    branches: [ $default-branch, $protected-branches ]
    # The branches below must be a subset of the branches above
    branches: [ $default-branch ]
    - cron: $cron-weekly

# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel - this job is specifically configured to use the Checkmarx CxFlow Action
  contents: read

  # This workflow contains a single job called "build"
    # The type of runner that the job will run on - Ubuntu is required as Docker is leveraged for the action
      contents: read # for actions/checkout to fetch code
      issues: write # for checkmarx-ts/checkmarx-cxflow-github-action to write feedback to github issues
      pull-requests: write # for checkmarx-ts/checkmarx-cxflow-github-action to write feedback to PR
      security-events: write # for github/codeql-action/upload-sarif to upload SARIF results
      actions: read # only required for a private repository by github/codeql-action/upload-sarif to get the Action run status
    runs-on: self-hosted

    # Steps require - checkout code, run CxFlow Action, Upload SARIF report (optional)
    # Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it
    - uses: actions/checkout@v3
    # Runs the Checkmarx Scan leveraging the latest version of CxFlow - REFER to Action README for list of inputs
    - name: Checkmarx CxFlow Action
      uses: checkmarx-ts/checkmarx-cxflow-github-action@v1.9
        project: ${{ secrets.CHECKMARX_PROJECT }}
        team: ${{ secrets.CHECKMARX_TEAMS }}
        checkmarx_url: ${{ secrets.CHECKMARX_URL }}
        checkmarx_username: ${{ secrets.CHECKMARX_USERNAME }}
        checkmarx_password: ${{ secrets.CHECKMARX_PASSWORD }}
        checkmarx_client_secret: ${{ secrets.CHECKMARX_CLIENT_SECRET }}
        scanners: sast
        params: --namespace=${{ github.repository_owner }} --checkmarx.settings-override=true --repo-name=${{ github.event.repository.name }} --branch=${{ github.ref_name }} --cx-flow.filter-severity --cx-flow.filter-category --checkmarx.disable-clubbing=true --repo-url=${{ github.event.repository.url }}
    # Upload the Report for CodeQL/Security Alerts
    - name: Upload SARIF file
      uses: github/codeql-action/upload-sarif@v2
        sarif_file: cx.sarif

Note : Please check in the logs your working directory should be same as the location where code checked out on local machine.

GitHub Action Self-hosted runner configuration for Remote Scan

 # This workflow uses actions that are not certified by GitHub.
# They are provided by a third-party and are governed by
# separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support
# documentation.

# This is a basic workflow to help you get started with Using Checkmarx CxFlow Action

name: CxFlow

    branches: [ $default-branch, $protected-branches ]
    # The branches below must be a subset of the branches above
    branches: [ $default-branch ]
    - cron: $cron-weekly

# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel - this job is specifically configured to use the Checkmarx CxFlow Action
  contents: read

  # This workflow contains a single job called "build"
    # The type of runner that the job will run on - Ubuntu is required as Docker is leveraged for the action
      contents: read # for actions/checkout to fetch code
      issues: write # for checkmarx-ts/checkmarx-cxflow-github-action to write feedback to github issues
      pull-requests: write # for checkmarx-ts/checkmarx-cxflow-github-action to write feedback to PR
      security-events: write # for github/codeql-action/upload-sarif to upload SARIF results
      actions: read # only required for a private repository by github/codeql-action/upload-sarif to get the Action run status
    runs-on: self-hosted

    # Steps require - checkout code, run CxFlow Action, Upload SARIF report (optional)
      # Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      # Runs the Checkmarx Scan leveraging the latest version of CxFlow - REFER to Action README for list of inputs
      - name: Checkmarx CxFlow Action
        uses: checkmarx-ts/checkmarx-cxflow-github-action@v1.9
          project: ${{ secrets.CHECKMARX_PROJECT }}
          team: ${{ secrets.CHECKMARX_TEAMS }}
          checkmarx_url: ${{ secrets.CHECKMARX_URL }}
          checkmarx_username: ${{ secrets.CHECKMARX_USERNAME }}
          checkmarx_password: ${{ secrets.CHECKMARX_PASSWORD }}
          checkmarx_client_secret: ${{ secrets.CHECKMARX_CLIENT_SECRET }}
          scanners: sast
          params: --github --namespace=${{ github.repository_owner }} --checkmarx.settings-override=true --repo-name=${{ github.event.repository.name }} --branch=${{ github.ref_name }} --cx-flow.filter-severity --cx-flow.filter-category --checkmarx.disable-clubbing=true --repo-url=${{ github.event.repository.url }}
      # Upload the Report for CodeQL/Security Alerts
      - name: Upload SARIF file
        uses: github/codeql-action/upload-sarif@v2
          sarif_file: cx.sarif


Why change in single file causing issue in SAST there is more than 7% files code change

  • This issue occurs due to not exclusion of .git and .github folders. Please refer below code
        CHECKMARX_CLIENT_ID : "resource_owner_sast_client"
        CHECKMARX_SCOPE : "access_control_api sast_api"
        CX_FLOW_ZIP_EXCLUDE : "\\.git/.*, \\.github/.*"

How To Contribute

We welcome issues to and pull requests against this repository!


Checkmarx Github Action

Copyright (C) 2020 Checkmarx

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.