- 5
- 2
Card Issuing / Transactions
#413 opened by Antaris - 0
Add Reversal API to PaymentsClient
#420 opened by nicklmiller - 0
- 2
- 2
LogProvider.GetLogger method occasionally throws InvalidOperationException due to concurrent writes
#363 opened by IanKemp - 14
- 6
SDK Documentation advice for .NET Framework usage when using custom HttpClientFactory
#346 opened by Antaris - 6
Migration guide from 2.5 to 3.7
#191 opened by knopa - 5
- 1
Newtonsoft.Json Locked version?
#343 opened by knopa - 3
- 0
MetadataClient with secret key authorization
#330 opened by oleksii-i-iol - 0
- 2
Named HttpClient
#230 opened by sipsorcery - 9
Error when building project with Xamarin Android linking SDK Assemblies in Release mode
#315 opened by Ayoub-Abuhamdeh - 9
Support for new (beta) reporting API
#257 opened by IanKemp - 4
- 1
- 1
Feature request: allow configuration section name to be specified in CheckoutSDK.Extensions
#274 opened by IanKemp - 9
Error when call Get Payment Link details api C#
#283 opened by musab-alrmmah - 2
- 6
.NET 6 & System.Text.Json support
#160 opened by oferns - 1
- 6
DTO classes for specific webhook events
#265 opened by roberthardy - 3
- 2
AggregateException at Checkout.ApiClient.<ValidateResponseAsync>d__13.MoveNext()
#254 opened by deepaknsp11 - 3
Confusion on validity of public/secret keys using Default/Previous for sandbox env
#250 opened by Antaris - 1
- 4
Add ChallengeIndicator to ThreeDsRequest for Checkout SDK version 2.x.x
#180 opened by serenata-genadiy - 3
URGENT: Token Validation Returning Error
#184 opened by mohamad-rmeity-cko - 2
- 5
- 1
Phone property missing in TokenSource
#42 opened by riaz-bordie-cko - 1
CheckoutSDK vs Checkout.APIClient clarification
#58 opened by pollax - 1
- 1
.NET Core update?
#104 opened by terence-codigo - 1
SchemeId missing in PaymentProcessed
#43 opened by riaz-bordie-cko - 3
Acceptable Amount
#70 opened by MuhammadSayed - 0
ApiClient should implement IDisposable
#16 opened - 0
Rename ThreeDs to ThreeDS
#14 opened by ben-foster-cko - 0
- 1