- 3
Timed out waiting for download mode
#156 opened by lnguyen234 - 4
how to load Linux
#190 opened by UnCor3 - 2
Build fails on macOS
#189 opened by UnCor3 - 12
Android on iOS15 branch currently broken
#169 opened by zoe-vb - 1
What patches should be applied to pongoOS to do at least rejailbreak on iOS <12?
#188 opened by platinumstufff - 7
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64
#161 opened by amats211 - 6
- 7
Can't compile pongoOS
#185 opened by slayy2357 - 9
T2 ssh
#165 opened by graphine27 - 2
- 2
- 1
Stuck in Booting PongoOS
#177 opened by cha2hyun - 2
Support for ipod touch?
#180 opened by thanone2 - 1
.asc gpg key checkra1n????
#178 opened by Zero-Faces - 3
Flashless boot
#83 opened by fxsheep - 1
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64
#175 opened by slayy2357 - 0
Questions about PongoOS
#174 opened by theoparis - 10
- 0
[Checkra1n development status]
#173 opened by joeyoropesa-dev - 1
Can't build testmodule example (iOS15 Branch)
#157 opened by 0x8ff - 0
use framebuffer after lowlevel_cleanup()
#164 opened by qiufuyu123 - 1
quick question do i have permission to use some or your code in the repo's on this org?
#162 opened by espero-dev - 1
- 2
variable ... set but not used
#154 opened by Admin-233 - 1
It is work in windows??
#151 opened by Mohajmj - 1
Running triggers kernel panic
#146 opened by alfiecg24 - 3
can i have a pongo shell on ios 15?
#143 opened by dualra1n - 2
checkra1n app missing
#144 opened by blackndoor - 3
Cannot build on macOS 13
#145 opened by alfiecg24 - 8
- 4
Error on compile
#142 opened - 4
*Feature Request* Downgrade Compatibility
#139 opened by bthedorff - 1
error: variable '***' set but not used
#133 opened by misakazip - 1
About userland kernel patchfinder
#140 opened by sen0rxol0 - 2
A10 (iPad 7) sep pwn not working
#137 opened by nick-botticelli - 0
Framebuffer gLogoBitmap - what is the best way to figure out which pixels to change in order to change the boot logo?
#138 opened by alfiecg24 - 1
A9 blackbird support
#135 opened by nick-botticelli - 2
Cannot build with Ubuntu 21.04
#91 opened by 306bobby - 6
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64
#129 opened by aalyatim - 1
error: variable 'vm_index_start' set but not used
#128 opened by mh-cbon - 3
- 3
Flash/Boot PongoOS After Compiling
#118 opened by SecFathy - 1
Icloud Activation
#120 opened by Mathy33 - 4
Disable ASLR
#94 opened - 2
- 0
Minimum modification iOS
#103 opened by williamleecn - 11
Running pongoOS after iOS 15.0 update
#96 opened by jiska2342 - 0
Project Sandbox PongoOS error 14.7
#90 opened by 306bobby - 3
- 2
About "sep peek [address]" stuck ?
#86 opened by 827Dream