Fantasy AFL Scraper

Scrapes and seeds data for fixtures, results, and player stats for the 2021 AFL season, as well as updated 2022 Fantasy AFL player positions.

🍼 A dummie's guide to running this script:

Minimum system requirements

Clone this repo

git clone

Move into the directory

cd fantasy-afl-scraper

Install all gems locally


Set up your PostresQL database

psql Run the first three lines from db/schema.sql Run the rest of the lines from db/schema.sql

Run the script

ruby main.rb

🔨 How I did it

I used Ruby and the Nokogiri gem to scrape data from three separate sources:

  • Fixtures from

    Some club and venue names had to be parsed to match my database

  • Players from

    At the time of creation, this was one of the only sources with updated 2022 positions.

  • Gamelogs from

    The data view page provided all fantasy scores, but I wanted more! By extracting a href from each row, I could scrape each player's individual page which had full game stats and their full name (rather than initials).

Clubs data was simple enough to hard-code.

Database Size: 18 clubs, 207 fixtures, 776 players, 9092 gamelogs

For me, running locally takes about 12 minutes.