
A clone of the AirBnB vacation rental platform

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

AirBnB Clone

Last Commit Contributors License


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This project is an attempt to clone the popular vacation rental platform, AirBnB. The end-goal of the project is to build a full-fledged system for managing vacation rentals, including features for users to list their properties, make bookings, and manage their reservations. This is a work in progress, and the project is still under development.

In its current state, it has a console, a static web page, a file storage engine, a database storage engine which uses MySQL, and a flask web application used to implement a REST API.


Environment Variables

  • HBNB_TYPE_STORAGE: The storage type (db or fs)
  • HBNB_MYSQL_HOST: Host that MySQL is running on
  • HBNB_MYSQL_PORT: Port for MySQL to listen on
  • HBNB_MYSQL_PWD: The password for HBNB_MYSQL_USER
  • HBNB_MYSQL_DB: The MySQL database name
  • HBNB_API_HOST: Host for API to run on
  • HBNB_API_PORT: Port for the API web server to listen on.

Getting Started

Clone this git repository. If you are a GNU/Linux user, you could copy and paste the following command to clone and change working directory into the root of this project:

git clone https://github.com/chee-zaram/AirBnB_clone.git && cd AirBnB_clone

other wise, clone the repository as you'd like and change working directory into the root of the project.

Command Interpreter (The Console)

The command interpreter is a command-line interface that allows users to interact with the AirBnB clone system. It provides a set of commands for managing the various aspects of the system, such as creating and managing listings, managing bookings, and so on.

Starting the Command Interpreter

To start the command interpreter, navigate to the root of the project if not already there and run the following command if using file storage:


or, with database storage, for example:

HBNB_MYSQL_USER=hbnb_dev HBNB_MYSQL_PWD=hbnb_dev_pwd HBNB_MYSQL_HOST=localhost HBNB_MYSQL_DB=hbnb_dev_db HBNB_TYPE_STORAGE=db ./console.py

This will start the command interpreter and you will be presented with a prompt, (hbnb) , where you can start entering commands.

Using the Command Interpreter

The command interpreter provides a set of commands for managing the various aspects of the AirBnB clone system. Some of the available commands include:

Command Description Usage
create Create a new instance of a class create <class_name>
show Show the details of a specific instance of a class show <class_name> <instance_id>
all Display the details of all instances, or all instances of a class all or all <class_name>
destroy Delete a specific instance of a class destroy <class_name> <instance_id>
update Update the attribute value for a given instance of a class update <class_name> <class_id> <attribute_name> "<attribute_value>"
quit Quits the command interpreter quit

The interpreter can also be terminated by hitting EOF key combination.

To use a command, simply type the command followed by any required arguments at the prompt and hit enter.

For example, to create a new instance of the User class, you would run the following command:

(hbnb) create User email="airbnb.clone@airbnb.com" password="09876airbnb" first_name="John" last_name="Doe"

To show the details of a specific instance of a class, you would run the following command, where <class_id> is the ID of the instance you want to show:

(hbnb) show User <class_id>

Some interpreter commands can also be processed when used as suffixes to a class name:

  • show: <class_name>.show("<instance_id>")


(hbnb) User.show("1234-5678")

to print a representation of the user with id 1234-5678

  • count: <class_name>.count()


(hbnb) BaseModel.count()

to get the number of instances of the class BaseModel

  • all: <class_name>.all()


(hbnb) City.all()

to print all instances of the class City

  • destroy: <class_name>.destroy("<instance_id>")


(hbnb) Place.destroy("1234-5678")

to delete the instance of class Place with id 1234-5678

  • update: <class_name>.update("<instance_id>", "<attribute_name>", "<attribute_value>")


(hbnb) State.update("1234-5678", "name", "New York")

to update the attribute called name of the instance of State class with id 1234-5678

The .update extension also works with a dictionary of attribute name(s) and value(s)


(hbnb) User.update("1234-5678", {"password": "09876airbnb", "last_name": "Doe"})

to update the email and password of the user with id 1234-5678

For a full list of all commands and their usage, run the following command:

(hbnb) help


(hbnb) help <command>

for a help doc on a specific command.

Web Static

Here, the front-end for the console is developed, starting with a static web page written in HTML and CSS. Details on this can be found here.


This is a web application which runs and manages the AirBnB clone API. It is a fully functional RESTful API, allowing you to create, read, update, and delete instances of the AirBnB clone. Implementation of the API can be found here.

To start the API web server:

HBNB_MYSQL_USER=hbnb_dev HBNB_MYSQL_PWD=hbnb_dev_pwd HBNB_MYSQL_HOST=localhost HBNB_MYSQL_DB=hbnb_dev_db HBNB_TYPE_STORAGE=db HBNB_API_HOST= HBNB_API_PORT=5000 python3 -m api.v1.app --debug


Unittests for all components of the application are being written and documented, and are contained in the directory tests at the root of the repository. A lot of help is currently needed to test all functionality.

You can run tests for all components of the application by using the following command from the root of the project repository:

python3 -m unittest discover tests

Alternatively, you could specify which component to run tests on by using the following format:

python3 -m unittest path/to/testfile

where path/to/testfile is the relative path to the file containing tests.


The AUTHORS file at the root of the repository lists all individuals who were part of the project from conception. Their full names, links, and contact information are listed below:

Emmanuel Chee-zaram Okeke
Abdulwasiu Yusuf Tunde


This lists all persons who have contributed to the project and can be found in the CONTRIBUTORS file.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for full text.