
Singapore Bus data

Primary LanguageJavaScript

SG Bus Data

Singapore Bus data

This is a data-only repository to complement BusRouter SG.

The data

It's in the /data folder.

Or, browse through them on the data server: https://data.busrouter.sg/


  • Stop - the bus stop itself
  • Service - the bus service, with numbers like 133 or 1N
  • Route - the route of a bus service, the lines connecting all the stops
  • Pattern - the patterns of a bus route, one of the lines connecting the stops
    • If the route is one-way (A->B), there's only one pattern
    • If the route is two-way (A->B, B->A), there're two patterns in a route
    • Each pattern usually pass through different stops, as they're usually on opposite sides of the road.


npm run cleanup

Delete files in data/v1/raw/services/*, data/v1/patch/*.cm.json and data/v1/patch/*.om.json, before running the commands below.

npm run fetch

npm run datamall

⚠️ This requires DatamallAccountKey environment variable. Make a copy of example.env file, rename to .env and put in your Datamall API key.

npm run patch

  • patch-missing-routes - Patch missing routes (failed requests from fetch-bus-services-route) by getting fresh route data from OneMap/Citymapper.
  • patch-multiline-routes - Patch multi-line routes (routes that has more than one line, we only need one line here, per pattern) by getting fresh route data from OneMap (again).
  • patch-bus-stop-names - Patch bus stop names (some of them are all-uppercase instead of titlecase) by double-checking them on https://www.transitlink.com.sg/eservice/eguide/bscode_idx.php

npm run generate

  • generate-data - Generate all the final clean data
  • generate-data-firstlast - Generate the first/last timing data

npm run build

Run all npm commands above.