

Spin up an EC2 host to run the demo apps. It should have Docker, Docker Compose and the AppOptics Snap agent installed.

Clone this repo onto the EC2 host.

Sending to Loggly

The demo apps run in containers, their logs are sent to Loggly via the Snap agent Docker logs collector. See the example Snap task config in this project.

So application log messages go through this pipeline: docker json-files log driver --> snap agent --> loggly

Enable/disable Trace Context in Log


  • docker-compose environment variable APPOPTICS_LOG_TRACE_ID


  • the line $log->pushProcessor('ao_processor'); in the logging.php script
  • config file setting appoptics.log_trace_id


Set a valid APPOPTICS_API_TOKEN environment variable, then run the demo script:

export APPOPTICS_API_TOKEN=mysecretaoppopticsapitoken
cd logging-demo

ctl-c to stop