
Convert Chinese characters to Cantonese pinyin.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Cantonese Romanization

Convert Chinese characters to Cantonese pinyin.

Build Status



Hanzi to Pinyin

import org.cghio.cantonese.romanization.Hanzi2Pinyin;

String pinyin = Hanzi2Pinyin.fromChar("仆");

pinyin returns "buk/puk"

Pinyin to Hanzi

import org.cghio.cantonese.romanization.Pinyin2Hanzi;

int[] hanzi_code = Pinyin2Hanzi.fromPinyin("chan");
String hanzi = new String(hanzi_code, 0, hanzi_code.length);

hanzi returns "亲哂塵尘畛疹矧衬襯親診诊趁陈陳齔龀"


H->P .. Hanzi2Pinyin.fromChar("龠"): convert hanzi to pinyin.
P->H .. Pinyin2Hanzi.fromPinyin("yung"): convert pinyin to hanzi.
H<->P: run both conversions.
P->H operations of Decimal and Octal are the same.
Measured in milliseconds on a Mac Mini (2.3GHz i7, 16GB 1600MHz DDR3).

Decimal (fastest):

Times     H->P   P->H   H<->P   
1         0      0      0       
10        0      1      0       
100       0      6      7       
1000      0      59     36      
10000     5      146    24      
100000    17     163    168     
1000000   161    1581   1684    


Times     H->P   P->H   H<->P   
1         0      0      0       
10        1      1      2       
100       11     6      17      
1000      95     40     77      
10000     132    113    55      
100000    222    151    456     
1000000   2224   1465   4552    

String comparison (slowest):

Times     H->P   P->H   H<->P   
1         1      0      0       
10        2      1      2       
100       21     2      24      
1000      209    17     227     
10000     2179   184    2385    
100000    21731  1802   23578   
1000000   218359 18264  230221  
