
cms demo with camaleon-cms

Primary LanguageCSS


For Rails5

  • Create your rails project

    rails new cms
  • Add the gem in your Gemfile

      gem "camaleon_cms", github: 'cheenwe/camaleon-cms', branch: 'chinese-support' # current development version
      gem 'activemodel-serializers-xml', git: 'https://github.com/rails/activemodel-serializers-xml'
      gem 'draper', github: 'audionerd/draper', branch: 'rails5'
  • Install the CMS (before this, you can change defaut configuration in config/system.json)

    rails generate camaleon_cms:install
  • Create database structure

    rake db:migrate
  • Start your server

    rails server # and then go to your browser http://localhost:3000/