
Demo to show the Google Cloud Stackdriver debugger for Node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Stackdriver debugger demo

See this screenrecording on YouTube for the demo:

YouTube video


Create a cluster and connect to it:

gcloud container clusters create code-cooking --scopes https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud_debugger --num-nodes=1 --project=code-cooking

gcloud container clusters get-credentials code-cooking --zone europe-west1-d --project code-cooking

Generate source context files (do this before each docker build):

gcloud beta debug source gen-repo-info-file

Build and push the Docker container:

docker build -t eu.gcr.io/code-cooking/debugging-demo:0.4 .

gcloud docker -- push eu.gcr.io/code-cooking/debugging-demo:0.4

Deploy to Kubernetes:

kubectl apply -f k8s


open https://console.cloud.google.com/debug?project=code-cooking

Demo script

  • What is it

    • Live debugging of applications without interruption
    • Adding logs to running applications
  • How does it work

    • app.js
    • Dockerfile
    • source-context
    • deployment.yaml
  • Deploy version 4

  • Snapshot

    • req
    • req.headers
  • Log

    • req.headers
  • Why cool

    • reduces debug time
    • much faster than typical add logs -> deploy -> add logs -> deploy cycle
    • tradeoff signal versus noise in logging