
"City Skyline" is created using HTML and CSS. By using Responsive Design techniques , the skyline automatically adjust to different-sized screens. This project introduced new concepts such as repeated linear gradient, variables to apply colors, and radial gradient.

Primary LanguageCSS

15. City Skyline


"City Skyline" is created using HTML and CSS. By using Responsive Design techniques , the skyline automatically adjust to different-sized screens. This project introduced new concepts such as repeated linear gradient, variables to apply colors, and radial gradient.


  • README.md (this file)

  • index.html

    • This file is in the root folder and contains the HTML file
  • styles.css

    • This file is in the root folder and contains the CSS file
  • media

    • This folder is in the root folder and contains two PNG files of the rendered result : 1) Night Skyline (under 1000px width) 2) Day Skyline (over 1000px width)


  1. Night Skyline


  1. Day Skyline



"City Skyline" is the 14th project from FreeCodeCamp's Responsive Web Design course. FreeCodeCamp Responsive Wed Design