
jQuery extension which adds lots of helpful tools for manipulation of URLs and hyperlinks

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


jQuery extension which adds lots of helpful tools for manipulation of URLs and hyperlinks

Getting Started

Download the production version or the development version.


Suppose we're on http://www.example.com/path/to/page?foo=bar

<a id="myLink" href="http://www.example.com/path/to/page/?a=foo&b=bar#derp">click here</a>

Read componenets (normalised across browsers)

$('#myLink').href('protocol');   // http
$('#myLink').href('host');       // www.example.com
$('#myLink').href('path');       // path/to/page/
$('#myLink').href('query');      // {a:"foo",b:"bar"}
$('#myLink').href('hash');       // derp
$('#myLink').href('href');       // http://www.example.com/path/to/page?a=foo&b=bar#derp

Write components:


or equivalently

$('#myLink').href({protocol:'https', path:'path/to/otherpage/', href:null});

href of #myLink is now https://www.example.com/path/to/otherpage/?a=foo&b=bar

Make changes to query string: (changes are merged)


href of #myLink is now https://www.example.com/path/to/otherpage/?a=foo&b=noggin&c=boggin

Replace query string: (as opposed to merge)

$('#myLink').href('query.replace',{q:"Fly Fishing"});

href of #myLink is now https://www.example.com/path/to/otherpage/?q=Fly+Fishing

Relative links work too:

If we're on http://www.example.com/egg and have <a id="myLink" href="/bacon">click here</a>

$('#myLink').href('host');       // www.example.com
$('#myLink').href('path');       // bacon

Some other bits

2 new jquery selectors

:href-internal - matches links to pages on the same hostname :href-external - matches links to pages on a different hostname

eg - make all external links open in a new tab:


Use $.href to create elements quickly for further manipluation:

$.href('www.google.com');    // jQuery set containing an <a> element with href www.google.com
$.href();                    // jQuery set containing an <a> element with href of the current URL

// start with current URL, change a query param, force protocol to https, and alert the resulting URL

Utility function to get the site homepage:

$.href.home();  // jQuery set containing an <a> element with href of the current URL with the path, query and hash all removed

Utility function for comparing links:

If we're on http://www.example.com/egg and have <a id="myLink" href="/bacon">click here</a>

$.href.linkEquals('/toast/','http://www.example.com/toast/');        // true - strings interpreted as links and normalized
$.href.linkEquals('?foo=bar','http://www.example.com/egg/?foo=bar'); // true - strings interpreted as links and normalized
$.href.linkEquals('/bacon/', $('#myLink'));                          // true - first element of jquery set used, if it's a link
$.href.linkEquals('/bacon/', document.getElementById('myLink'));     // true - DOM elements also ok, if it's a link