- 0
- 0
- 1
Failed to calculate salary range: JSON.parse: unexpected end of data at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data
#27 opened by josh-leyshon - 3
Salary (estimated): Failed to calculate salary range: Unsuccessful response: 500
#26 opened by iamrodtaylor - 4
Higher Salaries Not Reporting Correctly
#22 opened by mafroew - 2
- 3
Firefox link in README is dead, and can't find extension in searching in the store.
#20 opened by josh-leyshon - 5
Doesn't appear to be working as of 5/04/2022
#19 opened by ConanBa - 1
Appears to be broken as of 13/03
#18 opened by AdamDaze - 8
- 2
No longer estimating salaries
#9 opened by dmarkoski - 1
#2 opened by Tar-rask