
About Me Profile Hits

I am a NodeJS developer with 14 years of coding experience.

I started in 2009 with HTML and CSS, making simple static web pages and expanding my knowledge over time. Around 2010/2011, I started to learn how to use JavaScript to create dynamic web apps. During this time I also learned a version of BASIC so I could program games for my 3DS using a DSi app called Petit Computer. In 2015 I found NodeJS and started using it to create some basic bots for various chat platforms.

My goal with coding is to help others. I enjoy being able to create something that other people can use to make their lives easier. I take criticism well, and use suggestions to improve the product. The wants and/or needs of the userbase are always my priority, because without a supportive userbase, the product has no real purpose.

Over the last few years, my knowledge and experience with NodeJS have expanded, as has my main project, which currently has nearly one million users. I am fluent in using JavaScript and JSON within the Node environment, as well as all the features of ES11. I also have a solid understanding of HTML and CSS, and am able to work with web apps or other browser-based environments.

Most recently I've been trying to get better at bash scripting, so I'm trying to find simple projects written in other languages that I can port to bash. My asciibots-bash project is one example of this, and in the future I hope to find more projects like it that I can port to bash.

My Skills

cheesits456's Top Languages

cheesits456's GitHub Stats

Languages/Frameworks I'm good at:

Bash CSS 3 discord.js ECMAScript 11 GitHub Actions HTML 5 JavaScript JSON Markdown Node.js

Languages/Frameworks I'm learning:

Electron Express TypeScript

Environments I work with:

Arch Linux GitHub GitHub Packages NPM Raspberry Pi Sublime Text Ubuntu

Recent GitHub Activity

[02/08 13:49] ⭐ Starred thedemons/merge_color_emoji_font

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