
The WikiBrain Java library enables researchers and developers to incorporate state-of-the-art Wikipedia-based algorithms and technologies in a few lines of code.

Primary LanguageJavaOtherNOASSERTION

Setup WikiBrain - Atlasify

1. Environment

Maven, Java 1.7+, PostGIS

2. Clone the codebase

Clone the master branch of this repo git clone git@github.com:cheetah90/wikibrain.git

3. Setup Java Options

export JAVA_OPTS="-d64 -Xmx16000M -server" make sure you have a host with RAM > 16G. Set the Xmx higher if you have more RAM.

4. Configure database

Edit wikibrain-core/src/main/resources/reference.conf

dao:dataSource:default: psql
dao:dataSource:psql: put in the username and password for postgres
spatial:dao:dataSource:default: postgis
spatial:dao:dataSource:postgis: put in the username and password for postgres

5. Compile WikiBrain

At the project root (/wikibrain) run mvn -f wikibrain-utils/pom.xml clean compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=org.wikibrain.utils.ResourceInstaller

6. Tune postgres

According to https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Tuning_Your_PostgreSQL_Server

listen_addresses = '*'
max_connections = 500         # Must be at least 300
shared_buffers = 48GB         # Should be 1/4 of system memory
effective_cache_size = 96GB   # Should be 1/2 of system memory
fsync = off                 
synchronous_commit = off    
checkpoint_segments = 256
checkpoint_completion_target = 0.9
autovacuum = off

7. Start Data Ingestion


./wb-java.sh org.wikibrain.Loader -l en -s wikidata -s spatial
(Only running the above script will get the Atlasify running but with limitted function. Good for a feasibility test.)


./wb-java.sh org.wikibrain.Loader -l en -s wikidata -s spatial -s sr
./wb-java.sh org.wikibrain.sr.SRBuilder -l simple -m ensemble -o both


If SSL Certificate error occurs, you need to add the certificate from dump.wikimedia.org to the java keystore

To download the cert
echo -n | openssl s_client -connect dumps.wikimedia.org:443 | sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' > ~/dumpswikimedia.cert

To add it to java cacert, first locate the java cacerts and then, in that directory, add the downloaded cert to cacerts
keytool -keystore cacerts -importcert -alias dumpswikimedia -file [dumpswikimedia.cert]

9. Configure the URL

Edit atlasify/src/main/java/org/wikibrain/atlasify/AtlasifyLauncher.java. set externalURL and portNo and helloWorldUrl according to the information of the host. These are the URL and PortNo for the wikibrain backend. Wikibrain needs its own port so make sure this port is open through the firewall.

10. Host the front end

Host https://github.com/cheetah90/Atlasify with your favorite http server (e.g. Apache)

11. Configure the front end

change the baseURL and featureArticleURL in atlasify.js based on the host info. Minimally, you just need to change the server name.

12. Start Server

run ./wb-java.sh org.wikibrain.atlasify.AtlasifyLauncher

13. Test

Open index.html to try if everything works. Note: run a query first -- and then the back-end will start loading. Wait till the loading finishes to try another query.

Set up development environment

1. Connect to the postgres database

Option 1 (recommended): Local database
Ingest the Simple English edition of Wikipedia to your local database

Option 2: SSH tunneling plus local copy of the intermediary files Opening up the 5432 on server to receive all requests and copy the wikibrain rooy folder to local

2. Using InteliJ

Issue 1: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError issue
In IntelliJ, File->Project Structure->Modules->Dependencies In dependencies tab, change the “scope” from “Provided” to “Compile”

3. Sync with remote server


On the server, git clone the front end repo and change the js/atlasify.js file. Copy the repo to /var/www/html


On the server, git pull in the wikibrain directory.