
A Sitecore Helix based solution for Greenfield projects

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Headless icons created by max.icons - Flaticon
A Headless Sitecore Helix (Headlix) solution template which can be used for Greenfield projects. Tackles some common problems when working with the platform.

Features include:

  • Docker Ready!
  • Sitecore Content Serialization (SCS)
  • Sitecore 10.3.0
  • Version trimming rules engine - Items limited to 10 versions by default
  • Search Templates computed index field - find all items from an index by any templates they implement
  • Non admin Item Unlock
  • Auto unlocks items when a user is deleted
  • Integration with helix-publishing-pipeline
  • Fast (see benchmark) publish-on-build (when building inside Visual Studio)
  • Show Title When Blank patch, the forgotten Sitecore feature!
  • Scaffolding helix modules with dotnet new
  • COMING SOON: Support for custom dotnet new templates

Getting Started

This code is open sourced in order to facilitate contributions from the community. However, you do not need to clone this repository in order to take advantage of these dotnet new templates.

Install the headlixbase Templates

  1. Github Packages requires a personal access token for authentication to the packages service.

  2. To create a PAT, follow the steps here: https://docs.github.com/en/authentication/keeping-your-account-and-data-secure/creating-a-personal-access-token#creating-a-personal-access-token-classic

  3. You will need the read:packages scope

  4. Open Powershell with administrator privileges

  5. dotnet nuget add source --username {YOUR_USERNAME} --password {YOUR_PAT} --store-password-in-clear-text --name headlixbase "https://nuget.pkg.github.com/cheeto-bandito/index.json"
  6. dotnet new -i Headlixbase.DevEx.Templates --nuget-source https://nuget.pkg.github.com/cheeto-bandito/index.json

Scaffold a Helix solution

dotnet new headlixbase -n {YourSolutionName} -at {AuthorName} -cn {YourCompanyName}

Scaffold a Helix module

dotnet new headlixbase.module -n {YourModuleName} -cn {YourCompanyName} -sn {YourSolutionName} -hl {HelixLayer[Feature, Foundation, Project]}
dotnet sln add -s "{HelixLayer}/{YourModuleName}" "src/{HelixLayer}/{YourModuleName}/website/{YourModuleName}.csproj"

Initializing Docker

.\init.ps1 -LicenseXmlPath {PathToYourLicenseFile}
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d


Packaging the Templates

nuget pack ".\Headlixbase.DevEx.Templates.nuspec" -OutputDirectory "C:\nuget\LocalFeed" -NoDefaultExcludes

Publishing the Package


nuget source add -Name "github" -Source "https://nuget.pkg.github.com/cheeto-bandito/index.json"
dotnet nuget push "Headlixbase.DevEx.Templates.1.0.x.nupkg" --api-key YOUR_GITHUB_PAT --source "github"


Headlix Base uses helix-publishing-pipeline and pre-configures a number of features.

  • Content files from all modules are included in the publish
  • Sitecore assemblies are excluded from publish, reducing the package filesize

Local publishing:

  • Fast publish-on-build of the Local publish profile. This only adds a few seconds and won't recycle your app pool unless you change code. It even runs your debug Web.config transform!
  • Old assemblies (Headlixbase.*.dll) are automatically removed

CI/CD publishing:

  • Serialization files are automatically included into App_Data\serialization using the 'package' publish profile.


COMING SOON: A nuget feed for Headlixbase modules